Crescent Park Traffic Calming Project

  • Project typeTraffic and Transportation
  • Project value$200,000
  • Completion DateSeptember 29, 2023


Project Description

In early 2018, Crescent Park neighborhood residents raised concerns about traffic conditions, citing congestion and high volumes of cut-through traffic during peak hours, along with safety issues and high speeds during off-peak hours. They identified improved safety and quality of life as the primary goals for the project.
City staff collected and analyzed comprehensive traffic volume and speed data, identifying priority study areas. Working with a stakeholder group and incorporating feedback from nearby residents, staff developed preliminary conceptual plans featuring potential traffic calming modifications. A one-year trial period of the proposed traffic calming pilot project plan with temporary improvements was installed in summer 2021.
An analysis of pre-pilot and post-pilot project data after the one-year trial period showed a decrease in speed and cut-through traffic across most segments. The study and community survey results are in the Project Documents below. In 2024, the City Council approved the design of improvements for the permanent installation of the Traffic Calming Pilot Project.

Scope of Work

  • University Avenue / West Crescent Drive - Installation of a 50’ protected bikeway section in the eastbound direction.
  • Southwood Drive / East Crescent Drive - Installation of curb extensions in order to square off the intersection and add a new stop sign on Hamilton to create a three-way, all stop intersection.
  • Hamilton Avenue / Center Drive / Southwood Drive  - Installation of an oval shaped/elongated traffic circle with stop control in the middle of the intersection.

Project Status

Staff gained feedback from the Planning and Transportation Commission in June 2023 and met with residents adjacent to the Southwood/ E Crescent area in February 2024 to understand concerns and seek input regarding frontage issues following direction and input from the City's Planning and Transportation Commission. The project consultant is developing concept plans for improvements at the oval-shaped roundabout and for Southwood/E Crescent Park.

Staff is collaborating with the City's consultant to finalize the design and conceptual layout for the permanent installation of these traffic calming elements.


Project Documents

Final Installation Plans - July 2021(PDF, 6MB)
Proposed Alternative Layouts(PDF, 28MB)
Preliminary Draft Concept Layouts(PDF, 7MB)
Traffic Speed and Volume Data(PDF, 12MB)
Post Pilot Memo DRAFT – December 2022(PDF, 12MB)
Traffic Calming Pilot Project Survey Results - April 2023(PDF, 352KB)


Crescent Park, Palo Alto, CA   View Map

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