Properties Eligible for Listing on Historic Registers

Image of historic post office building at 380 Hamilton Avenue featuring front archways

A historic property may have previously been evaluated by the City of Palo Alto and deemed eligible for the National Register of Historical Places and the California Register of Historical Resources. These eligible resources are noted in annual reports filed with the State Office of Historic Preservation. Filing of annual reports is an obligation of a Certified Local Government. The City of Palo Alto is a Certified Local Government.

Property owners may elect to pursue placement of their properties on the State and National Register to take advantage of State and National incentives for historic preservation. The City of Palo Alto is not responsible for listing these properties on the State and National historic registers. Properties are not placed on these registers without owner approval.  

The City of Palo Alto has preservation incentives in place for properties on its local historic inventory.

Current efforts for review and listing of eligible properties include the City Council and Historic Resource Board driven project of the 2023 Reconnaissance Survey. For more information and to learn more about the project and community outreach details, visit the project page

Historic Resources Board Nomination Packages (November 9, 2023)

Vol 0(PDF, 195KB)
Vol 1(PDF, 23MB)
Vol 2(PDF, 15MB)