Apply for a Building Permit

Projects such as new construction of a single family home, home remodels, accessory dwelling units (ADUs), re-roofs, tenant improvements, mechanical work, electrical work, plumbing work, etc. require a building permit. Some minor projects qualify for an instant building permit. Learn more below.

2/18/2025: Building Inspection Services – Temporary Impact: Building inspection appointment availability is limited through mid-April. Appointment wait times may extend up to 7 days, and our team is actively working to increase appointment slots when possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

As of January 13, 2025, new Building Permit Pre-Application is available to applicants. The new Building Pre-Application will incorporate the application into the online process and applicants will no longer need to upload a separate Building Permit PDF Application as part of the submittal.

Applying for a Residential Mechanical, Electrical, or Plumbing (MEP) permit? See if you qualify for our new Over-The-Counter Residential MEP Permit Pilot Program!

Building Permit

Please read all the instructions below before you submit a regular building permit application.

Step 1.Review Submittal Requirements and Gather Documents

When preparing your submittal, please make sure to follow the document format and submission guidelines. Refer to the links below for permit-specific submittal checklists and forms. If your application does not adhere to these guidelines this may result in a longer review time

For additional forms and applications, visit our Forms page.


Step 2.Register or Login to ACA

Register - Create an Account in our User Portal, Accela Citizen Access (ACA)

Accela Citizen Access Portal

Having issues creating an account? Follow this guide to register/create an account on the ACA Portal.

For staff assistance, make an in-person appointment or virtual appointment, or call (650) 329-2496 and we'll set up your appointment for you! If you are having technical difficulties with your account, please email

Step 3.Provide Project Details and Upload Documents

All required documents must be uploaded through the ACA Portal. Before a formal review, all applications are assessed for completeness and accuracy to ensure the project is ready for plan check. 

  1. Click on the Pre-Applications tab
  2. Click on the Create Pre-Application button in the banner
  3. Select the Building Permit Pre-Application (*new* Building Permit Pre-Application starting 1/13/2025)
  4. Fill out the information on the Pre-Application prompts
  5. Submit and make note of your Pre-Application number (e.g., XXAPP-XXXXX)

Use this guide to for step-by-step instructions to upload your submittal documents: Uploading Your Submittal Documents


For additional guidance on the online permitting portal, review the ACA User Guide.

Step 4.Staff to Provide Next Steps

A dedicated Project Coordinator will be assigned to guide your project from start to finish. The Project Coordinator will review your submitted documents for completion. Although not required, we strongly encourage that you make an appointment to review your submittal for completion. 

Complete Applications: Staff will convert your submittal into an official Building Permit application and contact you to pay the permit fees. Upon receipt of payment, your application will begin plan check. Note: Your official Building Permit record ID will be in this format XXBLD-XXXXX

Incomplete Applications: Staff will provide you a list of outstanding required items before the submittal is ready to be converted into an official Building Permit application.

You should receive your first response within 2 to 3 business days. Communication regarding next steps will be through e-mail. 

Please note that all payments shall be made through the ACA Portal. The City does not accept payments through 3rd party applications.

For questions and status updates(PDF, 993KB) related to your permit application, please call (650) 329-2496 or e-mail If you do not receive a response within 72 business hours, please contact

Instant Building Permit

An Instant Building Permit is limited to Licensed Contractors with an active Accela Citizen Access (ACA) account. Please read all the instructions below before you submit a permit application. 

Step 1.Check if your Project Qualifies

If a permit type is not listed below then you must apply for a regular building permit. 

  • Boiler Replacement (same location, same number of BTUs or less)
  • Furnace Replacement (same location NO A/C, single-family/duplex only)
  • Heat Pump Water Heater (residential single-family only)
  • *NEW* Kitchen/Bath Remodel within the existing footprint (residential, single-family only)
  • Repair Gas Leak
  • Re-pipe water piping system (interior only, no sewer permits, residential only)
  • Re-roof (residential, non-historic properties, like-for-like)
  • Residential Solar with SolarAPP+ (pilot program)
  • Water Backflow Device
  • Water Heater (standard gas only, not tankless, same number of BTUs or less)
  • Window & Sliding Door Retrofit (residential single-family only, no historic properties)

Step 2.Register or Login to ACA

Register - Create an Account in our User Portal, Accela Citizen Access (ACA)

Accela Citizen Access Portal

Having issues creating an account?

Follow this guide to register/create an account on the ACA Portal.

For staff assistance, make an in-person appointment or virtual appointment, or call (650) 329-2496 and we'll set up your appointment for you!

If you are having technical difficulties with your account, please email

Step 3.Obtain a Permit through the "Building" tab

Follow the steps below to create an Instant Building Permit application:

  1. Click on the Building tab
  2. Click on the "Create Application" text in the green banner
  3. Select the Direct Building Permit type and complete the Application prompts, including uploading required documents and paying fees

For step-by-step instructions with images, follow this guide.


For additional guidance on the online permitting portal, review the ACA User GuideIf you are having technical difficulties, please email

Step 4.Your Permit is Issued

To view and download your permit card / packet:

  • Open your record summary using the "View Record Details" button
  • Click on the "Record Info" dropdown at the top of the record
  • Select the Attachments" option in the dropdown

Please review the issued permit card / packet before completing any work to ensure accuracy or appropriate next steps. 


If you have a question regarding Building Permits, please call (650)329-2496 or e-mail


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I resubmit plans or documents for an existing application?

Refer to page 19 in our ACA Guide for step-by-step instructions.

  • In your OPS portal account, use the red “Resubmit” button to upload your revised plans and other materials. Failure to do so may cause a delay in our response.
  • Do not use the "Add" button for a resubmittal
  • Please check spam or junk email box if 'Corrections Required' or "Notice of Incomplete" email not found in your 'Inbox'.
  • Here is a Sample 'Corrections Required' email(PDF, 675KB) for reference

Contact the assigned City Staff for your application if you have any questions regarding the resubmittal process.

Applications submitted or resubmitted outside normal business hours will be processed the following business day, which will appear as the application submission date for all purposes. For our normal business hours please visit the Development Services page.  

How do I apply for a revision/deferred submittal to an existing building permit?

A revision is a modification to an existing issued building permit. A deferred submittal is submitted as a Revision application.

  • Revisions to existing Building Permits must submit and complete a *new* Building Permit submittal. Please follow the instructions under the "Building Permit" tab above.
  • A completed Building Permit Revision Application form(PDF, 264KB) is required as part of your submittal

Please call (650) 329-2496 and press option 1 for general questions regarding Building Permits or email  

How do I check my building permit status?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to check the status of your Building Permit(PDF, 993KB) on our ACA Portal.

For any questions on your project status, please contact your project coordinator. Alternatively, please call (650)329-2496 or e-mail

How do I schedule an inspection?

Schedule building inspection one of 3 ways...

  1. Schedule an Inspection using the iRequest app (iOS) (Android)
  2. Schedule an Inspection through the City's ACA Portal (registration/logging in is not required)
  3. Schedule an Inspection by phone. Please call (650) 329-2496 and select option 2.

What should I do if my application or issued permit is almost or already expired?

If not yet expired, you can apply for an Extension. If already expired, you can apply for a Reactivation. Note: The fee for a Reactivation may be significantly more than an Extension fee.

  • Applications expire 12 months after the file date (for permits not yet issued)
  • Issued permits expire 12 months after issuance (for permits without completed inspections)

To extend or reactivate a Building application (permit not yet issued) or permit (already issued), please submit a completed extension/reactivation request form(PDF, 141KB) to
Demonstrating justifiable cause for the delay in completion and a timeline for the expected completion is required to get the Extension/Reactivation approval.

  • If an Extension request is approved, an extension fee will be due and must be paid prior to the permit expiration date. If the permit expires, no construction or inspection activity can resume until the permit is reactivated.
  • If the Reactivation request is approved, a reactivation fee will be due and must be paid before construction and inspection activity can resume.

The Chief Building Official is authorized to grant no more than three Extensions or Reactivations per application or permit.

Source: Chapter 16.04.130 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code

Where can I find your required forms and other documents?

For Building-specific forms and guidelines, please scroll above to the "Additional Forms" section of this page.

For required documents and forms from other departments, please visit our Development Services Forms page

How can I research property information and past projects?

There are four ways to research property information and past projects:

  1. Buildingeye: Interactive Map of Building Permit and Planning Entitlement applications and approvals.
  2. ACA Portal: Research permits and entitlements using the ACA Portal. Refer to page 8 of the ACA Guide for step-by-step instructions.
  3. Online Parcel Report: Research Property Information and Download or Print Online Parcel Reports