Forms & Applications


This page contains forms and checklists for the following development types and topics.

Single Family Homes

If you would like to build a one story home in the R-1 zone or a home in the R-E zoning district…

If you are planning to add a second floor addition of 150 sf or more or build a new two story home, your proposed house will need to meet all two-story development objective design standards. Otherwise, a discretionary planning application called Single Family Individual Review (IR) is required in advance of your building permit submittal...

If you’d like to propose the development of additional housing with an accessory dwelling unit…

If you’d like to use a Home Improvement Exception (HIE) to reduce specific development regulations for a home remodel that maintains at least 75% of the existing exterior walls...

If a protected tree or other unique land feature is limiting the use of your property and you would like relief from the strict interpretation of the Zoning Code...

Other Helpful Forms

Multi-Family & Commercial Projects

New structures will generally go through the Architectural Review Process…

For small structures under 5,000 square feet and for minor renovations...

To add a sign or replace a sign on your commercial property...

For construction on a property in the Site and Design (D) Combining District...

If you need to request a variance…

Other helpful forms…

Tree Removal Form

For all development projects...

For single family residential tree removals that are not part of a development project...