Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Project

Published on January 29, 2024

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The City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) is rolling out Advanced Metering Infrastructure!

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is commonly referred to as “smart meter” or “smart grid” technology. AMI allows a utility to digitally read utilities meters to measure energy and water usage at a home or business. It will allow CPAU to provide you as our customer with more real-time consumption data and enhance our billing efficiency.

This is a phased rollout by meter reading route which will allow the City to test and validate the quality assurance of AMI meters and systems as the project progresses. We will contact you directly by mail and email to notify you when your area is scheduled for AMI installation.

You may see our contractor, Utility Partners of America (UPA) in your neighborhood installing meters. Contractors carry ID and vehicles will be marked as CPAU Contractor. UPA will exchange your electric meter with a new advanced electric meter and retrofit existing gas and water meters with AMI radios.

UPA will attempt to notify a resident when on-site to install the meter by knocking on the front door or ringing the doorbell. If UPA cannot make contact with you initially, they will leave a door hanger to inform you about the status of meter installation.

If unable to access your meter, UPA may call you to schedule an appointment to complete the installation. If you have any questions about the installation process, please contact UPA at (650) 331-2479 or (800) 747-1062.

Read more about AMI including FAQs at

If you have any questions about the AMI project, please feel free to contact Utilities Customer Service at or (650) 329-2161.

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