
Published on November 03, 2021


Request for Preliminary Architectural Review to Allow the Demolition of an Existing 8 Unit, Apartment Building and Construction of twelve Three-Story Townhome Units, approximately 1,195 to 1,475 square feet of living space per unit; each unit includes a two-car garage and a deck to provide private open space.
The proposal anticipates the use of Density Bonus Law to allow the development and offers two of the eight “base units” (25%) as deed-restricted Affordable Housing (at the Low-Income level of affordability). A 50% Density Bonus is anticipated in addition to related waivers, concessions, and incentives. 


Environmental Assessment:  Not a Project.  The Formal Application Will be Subject to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Review.  Zoning District: RM-20 (Multi-Family Residential).


Project Plans(PDF, 31MB)

Public Hearing Date-November 18, 2021

City Contact- Stan Ketchum at  sketchum@m-group.us.



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