Share Feedback on Housing Priorities

Published on November 10, 2022

Share feedback on Housing Priorities

Providing housing for all income levels is a focus for all Bay Area cities, including Palo Alto. Palo Alto has long been a leader in the production of affordable housing and currently has the second highest inventory of affordable housing in Santa Clara County (as a percentage of total housing stock). Share feedback on the City’s strategy for promoting safe, decent and affordable housing through the recent release of the draft 2023–2031 Housing Element. A new community update provides details on what’s included in the draft Housing Element, how this will guide future housing, and upcoming ways to share feedback.

Palo Alto Housing by the Numbers

  • $52 million contributed or pledged towards affordable housing.
  • Approximately 2,300 deed restricted affordable housing units produced to date since the City started requiring inclusionary housing.
  • Over 1000 housing units permitted in the last eight years. 

Go here for the full update


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