Water Efficiency
Water is a precious resource in California that you can help conserve. State and local water use restrictions are in place to help.
Learn more about the City's water supply and water quality by visiting our Water Resources page.
Water Supply Condition Update
California received record rain and snowfall levels in early 2023. While that is a relief to our State following multiple years of drought, it is important to remember that California is in a Mediterranean climate zone and we need to use water wisely every day, regardless of weather conditions.
The City of Palo Alto’s permanent water use restrictions and State rules prohibiting wasteful actions remain in effect (for more information see Palo Alto Municipal Code Section 12.32.010 and the State’s website)
Water Use Rules for All Customers.
- Water when it’s cool outside. Ornamental landscape or turf watering is only allowed before 10 am and after 6 pm, except via hand watering with a bucket or hose with an shut-off valve.
- Always use a hose with a nozzle. Make sure that the nozzle shuts off automatically when the handle is released for watering landscapes.
- Don’t let water run into streets or gutters. Watering that results in flooding or runoff in gutters, sidewalks, driveways, or streets is prohibited.
- Use a broom instead of a hose to clean. This includes hard surfaces such as sidewalks and driveways.
- Fix leaks as soon as possible. Do not use broken or defective plumbing, sprinkler, watering, or irrigation systems.
- Turn off irrigation systems when it is going to rain. Watering outdoor plants, lawn, grass, landscaping, or turf areas during and within 48 hours after measurable rainfall or at least one fourth of one inch of rain is prohibited. Palo Alto’s rainfall measurement is available through Valley Water's Precipitation Gauge.
- Decorative fountains must have a recirculating system.
Water Use Rules for Businesses, Construction, and Restaurants
There are different water use rules for businesses. Unless otherwise stated, the restrictions above still apply.
- No watering of ornamental lawns or turf. The State of California has banned the use of potable water (drinking water) to irrigate non-functional, ornamental lawns or turf(PDF, 1MB) at commercial, industrial, and institutional sites. Watering exceptions apply for functional turf (e.g. playing fields and golf courses), in which there is no limit on irrigation days; those sites can be irrigated as necessary for health and safety. Irrigation is prohibited entirely for non-functional turf unless to protect the health of trees or perennial plants (non-turf), or to address an immediate heath and safety need
- Do not use water for construction purposes when non-potable sources are available.
One Water Plan
The One Water Plan is an evaluation of alternative water supplies to make the City’s water supply more resilient. Palo Alto is assessing key regional uncertainties and water supply risks such as projected shortages under multi-year droughts.
Learn More
Report Water Waste
Water FAQs
How can we protect our trees during the drought?
We want to remind people to continue irrigating trees during the drought. Trees represent high-value landscape that requires a long-term, significant investment. A healthy urban canopy offers many benefits to the community and environment. Visit Canopy's online Tree Library to pick drought resistant trees before planting. Canopy also provides watering instructions, tree care guides, and more.
How is the City planning for more water resiliency in the future?
The City's Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (S/CAP) includes a key action to develop a plan for implementing a One Water portfolio. The One Water approach to integrated water resource planning will take a broader, more comprehensive look at water supply options including green stormwater infrastructure, recycled water and other non-potable water sources to supplement and preserve the potable water supply.
Learn more at cityofpaloalto.org/onewater.
How are you enforcing the water use restrictions?
The current focus is on education and outreach including reminding customers about permanent water use restrictions and providing resources to achieve efficient water use. When we receive information about potential water waste, we attempt to contact the customer and use door hangers when we are unable to speak with the customer.
If the drought worsens, enforcement will increase.
- 1st incident: Doorhanger/Email/Phone call to customer
- 2nd incident: Doorhanger/Email/Phone call to customer
- 3rd incident: Certified letter from the Utility Director notifying customer of violation and potential future fines
- 4th incident: Fines may be levied
Reporting water waste through PaloAlto311
How can the community provide the City with feedback or ask questions?
City of Palo Alto staff are always interested in hearing from the community. Your feedback is welcome. Please feel free to share your comments, suggestions and/or questions with us at drought@cityofpaloalto.org
Remember, it is important to use water wisely every day, regardless of drought conditions. Thank you for doing your part to help Palo Alto meet its water efficiency goals!