Building Surveys FAQs

What is the purpose of the field survey?

City of Palo Alto Utilities is interested in collecting information on the existing electrical infrastructure, energy systems, and equipment of customer buildings, which will serve as the basis for future offerings of energy-saving and electrification improvements.

How much will the survey cost me?

The field survey is provided as a free service for your participation.

Will the survey cause a disruption to my building’s operations?

No, energy-using equipment will be observed and documented only. No equipment will be shut down or disconnected.

How long will the survey take?

The survey is estimated to last between 2 to 3 hours depending on the existing quantity and variety of energy-using equipment at your building. For evaluation of individual dwelling units at multi-family sites, the survey will take approximately 15 to 30 minutes.

Is a commitment needed from me?

No, there is no commitment necessary for your participation in the field survey.

What can I expect from the field survey?

Surveyors will observe and document existing electrical system components and equipment, and may note general operational information to better understand the energy use of the building.

What will the field survey include?

The field survey will include a review of all major energy systems, which includes: water heating, air conditioning, laundry, swimming pools, kitchen appliances, lighting, plug loads, and EV chargers. Information on existing solar PV and battery storage systems will also be captured.

What areas of my building will need to be accessed for the field survey?

All areas where major energy-using equipment is present (e.g. rooftops, basements, mechanical rooms, etc.). For instances where an energy system is representative of multiple areas, only a few areas will be sampled.

Will I receive information that may result from these field surveys?

All information collected is considered private and will not be made available to the public. However, a site-specific assessment report will be provided to each participant for their review.

Will I receive any recommendations specific to my building?

Yes, the summarized assessment report will include:

  • A list of energy-using equipment observed during the survey
  • A list of energy efficiency recommendations
  • An estimated cost range for electrifying natural gas using systems
  • Next steps for moving forward in exploring the energy efficiency and electrification recommendations

How will my building’s information be used?

The information will be used by the City of Palo Alto to make informed decisions regarding citywide electrification efforts.