If you are on a limited income, currently experiencing financial hardship, or have medical needs that increase your utility usage, you may be eligible for help with utility bill costs from the City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU). Learn more at our Utilities assistance home page.
Utilities Assistance
The Rate Assistance Program (RAP) offers up to a 25% discount on portions of your utility bill and is available to residents who are experiencing financial hardship or have a medical condition that requires higher than usual utility consumption. Supporting documentation will be required to confirm eligibility for RAP.
Rate Assistance Program
You may be able to permanently reduce energy and water costs by allowing us to help you improve your home's efficiency through the Residential Energy Assistance Program (REAP).
Residential Energy Assistance Program (REAP)
Through the generosity of fellow community members, CPAU is able to offer residential utility customers one-time utility bill assistance for past due amounts, up to a certain amount, when unexpected hardship strikes. Commercial and residential utilities customers whose accounts are in good standing can donate to this program. ProjectPLEDGE funding is available to qualified residential customers only.