Transportation Resources

These are transportation related resources to help with topics that come up regularly.

Complete Streets Policy

In recognition of the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Palo Alto City Council adopted a Complete Streets Policy (Resolution 9562)(PDF, 2MB) in November of 2015 that commits the City to provide for the mobility needs of all users of roadways. In practice, this policy requires all roadway projects, including pavement maintenance projects, to design for all roadway users. It also specifies consultation with the Palo Alto Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee (PABAC) early in the development of transportation projects.

Senate Bill (SB) 743 Implementation for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)

What is Senate Bill (SB) 743?

California Senate Bill (SB) 743 was signed in 2013, which changed the way transportation impacts are analyzed under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As directed by SB 743, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) prepared amendments to the CEQA guidelines rejecting Level of Service (LOS), which measures traffic delay at intersections or roadway segments, and replacing LOS with Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), which measures the amount of distance people travel to a destination.

Why do we have to do it?

State guidelines require all lead agencies to use VMT as the metric and establish VMT thresholds of significance (the level of effect above which lead agencies will consider environmental impacts to be significant) for CEQA transportation analyses by July 1, 2020.

What is the city doing?

An SB 743 Implementation City Council Study Session was held on Monday, May 18, 2020 to introduce the anticipated changes  for CEQA transportation analyses. This is the staff report from May 18, 2020.

City Council adopted VMT thresholds of significance by this Resolution from June 15, 2020. This is the staff report from June 15, 2020.

Additional information:

Palo Alto Transportation Management Association (PATMA)

Excerpt from the Palo Alto TMA About Us page:

"A Transportation Management Association (TMA) is a non-profit organization that develops, manages and markets transportation programs. In 2015, the City Council set an ambitious goal to reduce single occupant vehicle (SOV) trips by 30% over the next few years, and prioritized addressing transportation and parking challenges in downtown Palo Alto...

The TMA is not a City agency. It is a non-profit organization made up of local businesses and institutions that provide funding for and management of transportation programs. The TMA will not set City policies or make decisions that are the responsibility of the City. Much like chambers of commerce and neighborhood associations, the TMA will be an advocate for policy but does not set City policy or make decisions that are the responsibility of the City."

How To Park at a Rolled Curb

Getting Around

Whether you live or work in Palo Alto, or just visiting, there are many ways to get around.

Getting Around in Palo Alto