South Palo Alto Bike/Ped Railroad Crossing Alternatives Analysis

  • Project typeTransportation Planning
  • Project value$499,491

Project Description

The purpose of the Southern Palo Alto Bicycle and Pedestrian Railroad Crossing Alternatives Analysis (“Alternatives Analysis”) is to develop community-supported locations and design concepts for two (2) new grade-separated bicycle and pedestrian crossings of the Caltrain corridor (and Alma Street, if needed) in Southern Palo Alto (i.e., south of Oregon Expressway). The Alternatives Analysis will also identify context-sensitive bicycle and pedestrian enhancements that link the proposed grade-separated crossing sites to the existing/proposed bicycle and pedestrian networks within the neighborhoods adjacent to the railroad tracks.

Scope of Work

  • Community Outreach and Engagement
  • Data Collection and Analysis of Existing Conditions
  • Goals and Evaluation Criteria
  • Alternatives Development and Selection of Preferred Alternatives
  • Alternatives Analysis Report (Final Document)

Community Engagement

Staff is working with Kittelson & Associates to develop a community outreach and engagement plan that will explain how the project team will share information and gather meaningful input about community the needs and issues. The engagement activities will be tailored towards our unique community and may include the following.

  • Community Workshops
  • Interactive Online Surveys
  • Engagement with Disadvantaged Communities and Local Businesses
  • Interviews with Select Community Members
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee (PABAC) Meetings
  • Rail Committee Meetings
  • City/School Transportation Safety Meetings
  • Planning and Transportation Commission Meetings
  • City Council Meetings
  • Supporting Informational Materials (e.g., Mailers, Door Hangers, Flyers, Fact Sheets)

Project Status

In September 2024, the City began partnering with Kittelson & Associates, a transportation planning, engineering and research services firm, to assist with the Alternatives Analysis. Staff is working with Kittelson & Associates to complete initial tasks such as data collection and analysis, review of background documents, and development of a community outreach and engagement plan. Outcomes are also relevant to the concurrent Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan update and will be coordinated for engagement, data collection, analysis approach, and outcomes.