Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Safety Action Plan

  • Project typePlanning Document
  • Project value$200,000
  • Project scheduleThe project kicked off in August 2023 and is anticipated to take 18-24 months to complete.
  • Completion DateMay 30, 2025
Mother baby 2 girls biking.jpg

Project Description

Pursuing the City's Comprehensive Plan goal for roadway safety, the Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Safety Action Plan, titled Safer Palo Alto, will target eliminating traffic deaths and life-changing injuries on local streets.

Safer Palo Alto plan development is critical to reaching Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (S/CAP) goals because improving safety for vulnerable road users is key to reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and increasing green travel.

Senior citizen on adult trike

Planning process objectives include gathering robust community feedback about road user safety for all modes of travel, identifying corridors and intersections for improvements, working toward more equitable safety practices on our roadways, and applying the Safe Systems approach to the transportation network. Safer Palo Alto will explore low-cost, high-impact strategies to improve safety and enhance mobility citywide, laying the foundation for roadway improvements in support of the goals and policies of the City’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan, the Sustainability/Climate Action Plan, and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan.

The plan is supported by a $160,000 Federal Safe Streets for All (SS4A) grant and $40,000 City match. Once adopted, Safer Palo Alto will enable the City to apply for subsequent Safe Streets for All Implementation grants as well as other Federal or State funding sources requiring a comprehensive road safety plan.

Scope of Work

  • Community Engagement
  • Collision Data Analysis
  • Equity Impact Assessment
  • Identification of Projects, Policy, and Process Changes
  • Interactive Safety Dashboard
  • Safety Action Plan (Final Document)

Project Status

In August 2023, the City began partnering with Fehr & Peers, a transportation consulting firm, to assist with the SS4A Plan. Subsequently, the team completed initial tasks, including data requests and collection, review of background documents, and development of a Community Engagement Plan. Because project timelines are similar to those of the concurrent update of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (BPTP), staff coordinated with the BPTP Update team on community engagement and data collection.

NEW! The Draft Safety Action Plan is now available for review(PDF, 23MB). Submit comments on the plan via the SS4A Safety Action Plan comment form below through March 15, 2025. View the schedule of meetings for when the draft plan will be presented for feedback. The City Council will consider the final plan later this year. 


Final Plan Approval Tentative Schedule

Following incorporation of public comment into the plan, a Final Draft Plan will be presented to the Policy and Services Committee for review, tentatively scheduled for May 13th. If the Policy and Services Committee recommends approval, the Final Plan would go to Council for adoption in early June.

Upcoming Meetings/Events


The Final Safety Action Plan is tentatively scheduled for the following meetings: 


Past Meetings/Events