Bryant Street Bicycle Boulevard Project

  • Project typeTraffic and Transportation
A person wearing a skirt walks their bike

Project Description

The Bryant Street Bicycle Boulevard was the first Bicycle Boulevard implemented in the United States in the 1970s and is named after Ellen Fletcher, former Palo Alto Vice-Mayor and a bicycle advocate. Two projects are currently planned for Bryant Street.

  • Bryant Street Bicycle Boulevard Update (Palo Alto Avenue to East Meadow Drive)
  • Bryant Street Bicycle Boulevard Extension (East Meadow Drive to south City limits)

The Bryant Street Bicycle Boulevard Update includes reassessing the existing bicycle boulevard segment to include sharrow roadway markings, bicycle boulevard branding signage, and considerations for additional traffic calming measures depending on community preferences. This work was originally included in the Neighborhood Transportation Safety and Bicycle Boulevard (NTSBB) Project – Phase 1, but the Bryant Street Bicycle Boulevard improvements were not constructed.

The Bryant Street Bicycle Boulevard Extension includes expanding the bicycle boulevard to the cities southern limits at San Antonio Avenue via Nelson Drive and MacKay Drive. The project includes bicycle boulevard branding signage and enhanced roadway markings, and opportunities for traffic calming and community identity marker options. This work is included in the Neighborhood Transportation Safety and Bicycle Boulevard (NTSBB) Project – Phase 2.

The project includes community outreach to solicit input regarding existing conditions and possible areas for improvements.

Scope of Work

  • Palo Alto Avenue to East Meadow Drive: Consider traffic calming measures based on community preferences and update markings and signage.
  • East Meadow Drive to south City Limit: Consider traffic calming measures and community identity marker options. Update roadway markings and signage.
  • Community outreach to determine inclusion of traffic calming and other elements. 

Project Status

As of 2021, NTSBB projects are on hold pending the development of a Citywide Community Engagement plan.

Upcoming Meetings

There are no meetings currently scheduled.

Project Documents

Bicycle Ride-Along Tour (2014)

Detailed construction plans from NTSBB1 for Bryant Street Bicycle Boulevard Update:

Bryant Street: University Avenue to Palo Alto Avenue
Bryant Street: Kellog Avenue to Everett Avenue
Bryant Street: East Meadow Drive to Kingsley Avenue

Bryant Street Bicycle Boulevard Extension:

Concept Plans
Construction Plan (Not yet final)


Bryant Street from Palo Alto Avenue to Redwood Circle, Carlson Court, Ely Place, Duncan Place, Creekside Drive, Nelson Drive, Shasta Drive, and MacKay Drive.