Embarcadero Road Improvements (Alma to Emerson)

  • Project typeTraffic and Transportation
  • Project value$2,300,000
  • Completion DateJanuary 31, 2027

Project Description

On October 5, 2015, the City Council authorized a contract with BKF Engineers for the Embarcadero Road Corridor Improvements Project which included improvements at El Camino Real and Embarcadero Road/Galvez Street, and along Embarcadero Road from El Camino Real east to Emerson Street. Improvements included, traffic signal modifications, sidewalk realignment, high-visibility crosswalks, signing and striping, bicycle treatments, landscaping and traffic calming elements.  Final construction documents (100% design) were completed in 2019, which included an encroachment permit approval from Caltrans for work on El Camino Real.  The construction of the project was placed on hold shortly thereafter due to the ongoing Grade Separation study and potential conflicts and overlap resulting from the potential mitigation work on Emerson Street and Embarcadero Road.

In June 2022, the Rail Committee asked staff to revisit this project and to complete the east portion of this project (from Alma to Emerson). The design for the Improvements for the east portion of the project includes pedestrian improvements at the intersections of High Street, Kingsley Avenue and Emerson Street. Improvements include, but are not limited to, sidewalk realignment, high-visibility crosswalks, signing and striping, pedestrian lighting, landscaping, and traffic calming elements. 

Scope of Work

Design Elements Include:

  • Widen existing sidewalk path on Embarcadero from Emerson to High Street
  • Modify Kingsley Avenue approach to Embarcadero Road eastbound: create a more standard 90-degree intersection with Embarcadero Road to reduce driver confusion and limit the number conflicts with bicyclists, pedestrians and other motor vehicles.
  • Reconfigure High Street and Emerson Street intersections:  reduces conflicts, reduces speed of turning vehicles and increases visibility for pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • Add high visibility crosswalks
  • New pedestrian lighting
  • Potential raised crosswalk (speed table) on Emerson
  • Restriping and paving portions of Embarcadero
  • Landscaping/tree planting 


Project Status

Staff is working on completing 100% design plans.

Project Timeline

  • June 2022 to September 2024

    City awarded contract to BKF Engineering for design of the Project.  
    Finalizing 100% design plans.

  • January 2025 to December 2025

    Complete Construction Documents and schedule Community Meeting


  • 2026

    Tentative construction start


  • 2027

    Tentative Construction end



Map link
