Caltrans El Camino Real Pavement Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements


Project Description 

State Route 82 (SR 82) Pavement Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements project along El Camino Real spanning several communities including Palo Alto, will improve the state highway and support safety, access, and mobility of pedestrians and bicyclists. El Camino Real (SR 82) is a state highway maintained by Caltrans. To meet the requirements of its Capital Preventive Maintenance program, Caltrans is repaving El Camino Real in Mountain View, Los Altos, and Palo Alto to improve ride quality, comply with current American Disability Act (ADA) standards, and improve safety, access, and mobility . The project will repair pavement, upgrade existing non-standard ADA curb ramps, add complete street elements such as enhanced crosswalks, and replace on-street parking with bike lanes.

Project Status

City Staff is actively engaging with Caltrans, business and neighborhood stakeholders, and the community to shape the future of El Camino Real and advance City Council’s June 18, 2024 and August 12, 2024 direction supporting the removal of on street parking for the repair work to begin. Other focus areas including working with VTA, Palo Alto Transportation Management Association, temporary relocation of RV community, locations for bike parking and more. Staff will continue to monitor impacts and make necessary adjustments to the project following the removal of parking along El Camino Real.


Requests for parking accommodations, including short term, loading, or 2-hour commercial designations can be directed to Transportation Manager Nate Baird at

The City Council will consider reassigning employees and employers with Residential Preferential Parking program permits from El Camino Real to neighborhood zones in early August. Impacted residents and employees/employers can reach out to Transportation Manager Nate Baird at for more information.

Businesses: Request a bike rack for the sidewalk in front of your business by using Palo Alto 311. In the Bicycles menu, select “New bicycle rack or bicycle parking in the public ROW”

Construction Schedule


Environmental Documents: Spring 2020 (Actual)
Design Complete: Winter 2022 (Actual)
Pothole Repair: Fall 2023 (Actual)
Begin Construction: Spring 2024 (Actual)
End Construction: Fall 2025 (Tentative)

Please note construction dates are tentative and could be impacted or delayed due to weather conditions.

Caltrans began the paving process the week of August 19, 2024 by replacing deteriorated areas of roadway. Starting the week of September 9, Caltrans crews and contractors initiated paving operations for the SR-82 Rehabilitation Project. This work is occurring in both directions, progressing southward from Sand Hill Road in Palo Alto. Vehicles are not permitted to park on El Camino Real in Palo Alto (Sand Hill Road to San Antonio Avenue). "No Parking” signs are placed along the project corridor to notify vehicles of parking restrictions.

Construction involves temporary roadway closures and will disrupt traffic, primarily during nighttime hours, with proactive communication efforts to inform the public about these disruptions. The public will have limited and/or restricted access to sidewalks, curb ramps and several driveways while this work is taking place.

Hours of Activity

Southbound Lanes

Monday to Friday: 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Northbound Lanes

Monday to Friday: 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.

More details are available on the State Route 82 (SR 82) Pavement Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements project webpage.

Community Engagement

Thank you to all community members and stakeholders who have provided input on this project. More community engagement is being planned as City Staff continues to engage with Caltrans, business and neighborhood stakeholders, and the community to shape the future of El Camino Real. Additional details will be added here.  

Please send an email to with any comments or concerns. 

Past Meetings & Correspondence

November 2023: Caltrans formally notified the City of their proposed SR 82 El Camino Real Bikeway Project in a letter dated November 3, 2023. On November 17, 2023, the City sent an official communication to Caltrans in response to their proposed addition of new bikeways along SR 82. The City asked several questions about the proposed project and requested additional information in an effort to ensure that the Palo Alto community and businesses potentially impacted by Caltrans plan are given an opportunity to fully understand the details, timeline and opportunities for input. 

January 2024: Caltrans responded and shared draft bike lane plans for SR 82 (El Camino Real).  

February 2024: Caltrans hosted an in-person community meeting on February 29, 2024 at Palo Alto High School Media Arts Center where Caltrans shared the proposed bikeway plans and gained input from over 60 attendees. The meeting recording is available on the City’s YouTube channel at 

March 2024: A Joint Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee (PABAC)/City/School Transportation Safety Committee (CSTSC) meeting was held on March 7, 2024 at Mitchell Park Community Center. The meeting recording is available on the City’s YouTube channel linked above. 

The City sent a letter to Caltrans on March 18, 2024 after engaging Fehr & Peers to conduct an analysis of how the proposed project aligns with the Safe System Approach, sharing bike facilities design comments.  

A Joint Planning and Transportation Commission/Human Relations Commission meeting was held on March 13, 2024 at City Hall. The meeting recording is available on the City’s YouTube channel linked above. 

April 2024: The City sent a follow-up letter to Caltrans in response to recent meetings and questions from Caltrans staff regarding the outreach and notification plan from Caltrans to vehicle dwellers related to the Caltrans Proposed SR 82 / El Camino Real Bikeway Project. A summary of questions received is included in the letter.  

On April 1, 2024 the Council voted to have Caltrans return with added safety measures in the bikeway design based on the Safe Systems Approach and other best practices, and following community engagement with businesses and residents to identify parking alternatives including modifications to our Residential Parking Permit (RPP) program, Palo Alto Transportation Management Association (PATMA), and coordinated efforts to accommodate RV dwellers focused on the possible removal of parking on El Camino Real to add bike lanes.  

May 2024: On May 15, 2024 Caltrans sent the City a revised bikeway design with added safety measures based on the Safe Systems Approach and other industry standards, per City Council request. A summary of the changes between the new draft bike lane plans and the previous January 2024 version include: 

  • Reduced vehicle lane widths from 11’ to 10.5’ for lanes 1 and 2, closest to the median, in accordance with Design Information Bulletin-94.
  • Increased bike lane widths.
  • Extended separation treatments on Class IV bike facilities to increase total amount of physical separation provided along the corridor.
  • Added “Qwick Kurb Channelizing Systems” as vertical elements for separation on Class IV bike facilities. Qwick Kurb Channelizing Systems is under review by Caltrans.
  • Extended dedicated bike lanes at four locations:
    • Northbound approach at El Camino Real and Charleston Road/Arastradero Avenue intersection
    • Northbound past El Camino Real and Sheridan Avenue intersection
    • Southbound and northbound at El Camino Real and Churchill Avenue intersection
  • Provided “No Right Turn On Red” signage restrictions and added two-stage bike turn queue boxes at several intersections. A two-stage turn queue box offers bicyclists a way to make left turns at multi-lane signalized intersections from a right side bike lane.
  • Added additional striping details according to the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
  • Although not shown, Leading Pedestrian Intervals are included at signalized intersections. A Leading Pedestrian Interval, or LPI, gives pedestrians the opportunity to enter the crosswalk 3-7 seconds before vehicles are given a green indication at an intersection.
  • Improved bus stop near the north-east corner of the El Camino Real and Park Boulevard/Serra Street intersection to include a dedicated bike lane and separated pull out area for buses. 

June 2024: On June 18, 2024, City Council approved a resolution supporting the removal of on-street parking and allowing the Caltrans El Camino Real project to proceed in Palo Alto. Council also gave authorization to adjust the Residential Parking Permit (RPP) program and to enter into agreements as needed to provide temporary safe parking for vehicle dwellers currently along the project corridor.  

Action Minutes from the June 18, 2024 City Council Meeting (Action Item AA4)