Alma Street/Churchill Avenue Safety Improvements Project

  • Project typeTraffic and Transportation
  • Project value$3,996,000

Project Description

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), in cooperation with the Peninsula Corridor Joint Power Board (JPB) and the City of Palo Alto, proposed a railroad crossing improvement project at Churchill Avenue and Alma Street to enhance safety. A diagnostic team comprised of staff from the City, California Public Utilities Commission, and Caltrain analyzed the existing conditions at the intersection for vehicular travel, bicycle travel, pedestrian pathways, and rail traffic, and developed recommendations to enhance safety. Improvements will be designed and implemented by the City in the City’s right of way, and by the JPB in the JPB’s right of way. 

This project is separate and independent from the on-going rail grade separation conversations and addresses more immediate safety concerns at this crossing.

This crossing was identified for possible funding of hazard elimination and safety improvements through Section 130 funds. The Section 130 program is a federally funded program, administered by the states, for the elimination of hazards at at-grade highway-rail crossings. Section 130 funding will reimburse the actual and direct costs of the design and construction of the improvements.

Scope of Work

Design elements and benefits include:

  • Installation of a pre-signal 
  • Traffic signal modifications
  • Street lighting improvements 
  • Roadway resurfacing 
  • Sidewalk realignment and/or widening 
  • Drainage improvements 
  • Utility relocations 
  • Signage and striping

Construction Updates

Construction resumed at the intersection on January 6, 2025. Staff anticipates the work to conclude in April 2025, weather permitting. Work includes:

  • Finalization of the traffic signal poles and signal system.
  • Installation of the remaining sidewalk, pedestrian ramps and miscellaneous concrete work.
  • This work will be followed by the repaving and striping of the intersection and repaving of Churchill down to Castilleja. 

Note: Construction may disrupt traffic in the area during construction hours, typically 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., excluding required night work. 
ll work is weather dependent.

Construction Notices

Upcoming Nightwork: March 15, 2025

In preparation for the upcoming traffic signal switchover to the new system, additional hardware needs installation on the poles set in the Caltrain Right of Way (ROW).

Due to restrictions from Caltrain, these poles will need to be worked on during off-hours. Night work is scheduled to occur on Saturday, March 15th from midnight (12 a.m.) to 7 a.m. Traffic will be maintained in both directions, however, delays are to be expected. Find the traffic control plan sheet here(PDF, 5MB)

*Dates are subject to change per Caltrain.

Upcoming Nightwork: January 25 and February 1, 2025

In preparation for upcoming traffic signal and concrete work, several abandoned wooden poles need to be removed from areas located near the Caltrain tracks.

Due to restrictions from Caltrain, these poles need to be removed during off-hours. Night work is scheduled to occur on Saturdays, January 25 and February 1, from midnight (12 a.m.) to 7 a.m. Traffic will be maintained in both directions; delays are to be expected. Find the traffic control plan sheet here(PDF, 392KB).

*Dates are subject to change per Caltrain.


Concrete Work on Pedestrian Crossing: Week of August 19, 2024

The City’s contractor O’Grady Paving and subcontractor Spencon will perform site concrete work on Tuesday, August 20, Wednesday, August 21, and Saturday, August 24. This includes sidewalk and crossing demolition and reconstruction on the northern side of the tracks, making the tracks impassible to pedestrians. Signage and other detour markings will direct pedestrians to cross at the southbound crossing until all work is complete and safety equipment is fully installed.

Partial lane closure of Alma Street may be needed to complete the work, and traffic signage and control will be set up prior.

Construction takes place 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and may impact local traffic. Work will be avoided during school drop-off and pick-up hours.

Work performed by the City is expected to complete by Saturday, August 24, 2024. Ongoing construction performed by Caltrain will continue until late summer 2024.

Find Caltrain Work Details Here

Notice from Caltrain - Weekend Night Work: August 16 - 18, 2024

Caltrain sent the following notice about weekend night work.

Churchill Grade Crossing Palo Alto Weekend Work(PDF, 169KB)

Project Timeline
  • Fall 2020

    Selection of Design Consultant


  • 2021

    Development and Approval of Concept Plan(s)

  • Spring 2021

    Begin final design (up to 65% plan)


  • Spring 2023

    Complete final design plan and approval of construction contract


  • Summer 2023

    Begin construction


Past Meetings

City Council Meeting - June 5, 2023

PTC Meeting - March 31, 2021


Planning and Transportation Commission (PTC) discussed the two concept plan alternatives for improvements to this intersection at its March 31, 2021 meeting.City Council approved Concept #1 on May 3, 2021, and staff developed final design plans based on Concept #1. These final design plans were shared at Community Meeting #2 on November 16, 2021.City Council approved the construction contract with O'Grady Paving, Inc. on June 5, 2023; construction started in September 2023.

Project Documents


Alma St and Churchill Ave, Palo Alto, CA   View Map

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