Mobile Information Kiosk E-Bike (MIKE)

MIKE Pop-up

A man stands in front of a bike at the MIKE pop-up

Mike Pop-up Display

A woman holds a map in front of the MIKE pop-up

Biking in Palo Alto

Two people walk and hold bicycles in a Palo Alto park

The City of Palo Alto Office of Transportation identified a need to expand its community engagement efforts to support ongoing students, family, and community safety education and an on-the-ground pedestrian and bicycle community engagement strategy.

The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) team expanded community engagement through physical distancing of appropriate mobility and transportation safety education and resources through Santa Clara County Measure B funds. This was achieved by using the recently purchased Yuba Spicy Curry electric cargo bike, loaded with SRTS education material, and setting up at various locations (e.g., Mitchell Park, near Fairmeadow Elementary, Mitchell Park Library). Though COVID variant waves impacted the frequency of MIKE, the SRTS team was able to set up and engage with Palo Alto students, families, and residents.

Through various pop-up set-ups, the SRTS team was able to discuss walking and bicycle safety education, which included the following:

Through this process, we set up 17 pop-up information sessions, interacted with about 200 people, and provided 110 giveaways (e.g., VTA bicycle maps and bike lights). With the bombardment of digital information, the SRTS team believed that we needed to engage further with community members through face-to-face interactions (with precautions, of course) to provide office hours to families and locals.

Future MIKE pop-up events will be posted here. 

MIKE Metrics At-a-Glace

  • 137 Materials Distributed
  • 208 Interactions
  • 9 Schools Visited
  • 8 Visits per School/Area
  • 17 surveys completed
  • 4.8 Average Survey Result