Our city's urban forest isn't made up of only public trees. Private property trees are an important contributor to the overall health, diversity and canopy of the urban forest. A private tree is any tree growing on privately owned property outside the right-of-way for city maintained roadways.
Private tree maintenance is the responsibility of the property owner. The Urban Forestry section has four programs that deal primarily with private trees. The programs are listed below. Please visit the program pages for more detailed information.
Tree Care Resources
Line Clearing Program
Right Tree, Right Place Program
Trees and Development
For questions or more information on these programs please email the Urban Forestry Section at pwps@cityofpaloalto.org.
Public Works Urban Forestry Section
Tree Planting, Public Tree Maintenance, Utility Line Clearance
Phone: (650) 496-5953 pwps@cityofpaloalto.org P.O. Box 10250 Palo Alto, CA 94303
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Last updated on June 17, 2022