Hamilton Avenue System Upgrades

  • Project typeStorm Drain Master Plan

Project Description

The Hamilton Avenue Capacity Upgrades Project (SD-25000) extends from Center Drive to Rhodes Drive and was identified as a high-priority improvement in the Storm Drain Master Plan Update dated June 2015. Runoff from the 1400 block of Hamilton Avenue is collected through the storm drain network and flows through pipes on Newell Road towards the Channing Avenue storm drain. Flows from the 1500 through 1700 block drain towards Greer Road. The existing storm drain pipes on Hamilton Avenue vary in diameter from 12-inch to 21-inch pipe.

This project proposes to upsize the smaller existing pipes on Hamilton Avenue to a 48-inch pipe and associated structures, install new 48-inch pipes where there are none, and divert some of the flows away from the Newell Road system towards the 96-inch lines near Greer Road where there is more capacity. The proposed upgrades and new storm drain connection near the Newell Road intersection should reduce flooding that occurs during large storm events. The new system will pick-up runoff flows that would otherwise have drained towards Channing Avenue. Several other utility laterals (e.g. water, sewer, and gas) will need to be relocated due to conflicts that the larger pipe diameter creates.

Project Status

The project is being designed. Construction is tentatively schedule to begin summer 2025.

Project Location

map of project area


How is this project funded?

Funding for the Hamilton Avenue Capacity Upgrades Project from Center Drive to Rhodes Drive (SD-25000) is available in the Fiscal Year 2025 Storm Water Management Fund Capital Budget.


Is Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) included with this project?

Although GSI can encourage storm runoff infiltration during the minor storm events at the beginning of the rainy season it cannot necessarily handle runoff from large events. GSI is not proposed on this project due to conflicts with existing utility laterals that serve individual residents, to avoid compromising existing trees and their roots and due to a relatively flat area.

Has this project been coordinated with other departments?

This project includes coordination with the Utilities Department, Transportation Department, Public Works Engineering Streets Group and Public Works Operations Maintenance Group.

Will garbage pickup be impacted by construction?

Garbage pickup will not be affected by construction. Staff will coordinate with GreenWaste. They will continue to operate on the regular pickup day, and garbage pick-up will occur before 8 a.m.

Will street parking be available?

Street parking will be temporarily eliminated in segments. Notices will be posted along the spots to be removed, at a minimum 72-hours in advance. Public parking is not permitted within the dates shown on the “No Parking” signs. Once signs are removed, the public will be able to use those areas.