Fire Station No. 4 Replacement Project

  • Project typeBuildings & Facilities
  • Project value$15,329,842
  • Completion DateMarch 31, 2026
Fire Station 4

Project Description

Fire Station No. 4 was built in 1953 and located at 3600 Middlefield Road. The existing fire station building does not serve the current needs of the Fire Department and does not effectively use the current 0.6-acre portion of the property. City Council included the replacement of Fire Station No. 4 in the Infrastructure Plan approved in June 2014. This project will provide a new facility built to current essential services standards with a high likelihood of being fully operational during and after a major disaster such as a significant earthquake.

Scope of Work

The proposed fire station will be a building code compliant essential services facility for emergency response. The project will consist of the following components:

  • Establishment of temporary Fire Station 4 accommodations to be determined (not part of architect’s scope)
  • Demolition of existing fire station buildings and removal of drying rack
  • Integration of the existing fuel station on site
  • New fire station building consisting of:
    • Watchroom office and public restrooms
    • Emergency Operations Center (EOC)/Training room
    • Two drive-through apparatus bays and a stand-by apparatus bay
    • Firefighter living quarters
    • Captain’s Office

The new fire station will also be designed for LEED Silver certification and meet City adopted building code standards by having an all-electric design for new construction.

The project is divided into 3 phases: Schematic Design, Final Design and Construction Documents, and Construction. Community outreach will take place during Schematic Design.

Project Status

BRW Architects is currently making progress with the construction document set, and the project's next milestone is obtaining a building permit.

On March 4, 2024, City Council approved the lease contract with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for the temporary station at Cubberley Community Center. The approved lease is a double wide modular trailer to be used as the fire personnel’s living quarters and station operations for 24 months. Construction of the temporary station is anticipated in spring 2024.

Project Timeline

  • Project Creation

    • 2005 – A Replacement Needs Assessment Study performed by RRM Design Group that provided program and other feasibility level information for the basis to begin design of the new Fire Station No. 4.
    • June 2014 – Council Infrastructure Committee included Fire Station No. 4 Replacement Project in the City’s Infrastructure Plan.
  • Solicitation for Design

    • July 23, 2020 – Request for Proposals (RFP) posted by City for the design of Fire Station No. 4 Replacement Project.
    • August 3, 2020 – Mandatory pre-proposal meeting held virtually for potential consultants. 23 consultants attended the meeting.
    • September 20, 2020 – The City received eight proposals, two of which were deemed nonresponsive. City reviewed proposals and selected three firms to participate in oral interviews.
    • October 05, 2020 – Oral interviews take place. Brown Reynolds Watford Architects, Inc. (BRW Architects) is selected as the top consultant.
    • June 21, 2020 – Council defers construction funding for Fire Station No. 4 Replacement Project to FY2024. City staff defers contract award to BRW Architects to ensure design would comply with the latest building codes and sustainability standards as well as ensure design of building systems and specifications of special equipment would incorporate or consider the newest technology available.
    • May 23, 2022 – Council approval of BRW Architects design contract for Fire Station No. 4 Replacement Project. 
  • Design Phase

    • June 2022: BRW Architects began Schematic Design.
    • October 20, 2022: Public Art Commission (PAC) approved funding for integrating public art into Fire Station 4.
    • February 16, 2023: BRW Architects and Public Works Engineering presented massing options and materials from schematic design to the Architectural Review Board (ARB) in a preliminary hearing.
    • April 6, 2023: City hosted a virtual community meeting for public feedback. Click here for a recording of the community meeting.
    • April 12, 2023: City received state earmark funding of $5.2 million.
    • May 11, 2023: BRW Architects began design development and preparation of ARB submittal for formal approval.
    • July 15, 2023: City and BRW Architects showcased the proposed Fire Station 4 design to the public at the Municipal Service Center (MSC) Open House. City staff also launched a survey for public feedback on the design and compiled responses on July 26, 2023.
    • July 19, 2023: The Public Art Program hosted a Meet the Artist event at Mitchell Park Library for artist Stephen Galloway to begin his design process on the commissioned public art piece for Fire Station 4. Galloway discussed with community members his design process and past works. The public shared their thoughts on the various neighborhoods surrounding Fire Station 4 and other notable and unique features to Palo Alto such as the Baylands and Adobe Creek.
    • July 26, 2023: Design Review Committee (DRC) met with Public Works Engineering and BRW Architects to review City comments on the proposed design prior to the scheduled ARB hearing on August 3, 2023.
    • August 3, 2023: BRW Architects, Public Works Engineering, and Deputy Fire Chief present the proposed fire station design to the ARB for formal approval. Comments from the ARB included revisiting the chosen materials and additional features to enhance the openness to the public of the fire station's design.
    • September 21, 2023: BRW Architects, Public Works Engineering, and Deputy Fire Chief present the revised fire station design to the ARB addressing comments from the August 3 hearing. ARB provided minor comments for subcommittee review on the exercise room material treatment and mechanical equipment location. After the meeting, BRW Architects is authorized to begin Construction Documents.
    • October 19, 2023: BRW Architects, Public Works Engineering, and Deputy Fire Chief met with ARB Subcommittee Boardmembers Hirsch and Chen. The revised design on the exercise room was well-received.
    • October 25, 2023: Planning Department issued ARB approval to Fire Station No. 4 Project pending standard 14-day appeal duration. CEQA Exemption for the project is also filed with the County of Santa Clara.
    • November 8, 2023: ARB approval decision is finalized for the project.
    • March 4, 2024: City Council approved procurement of modular building for the temporary Fire Station No. 4 at Cubberley's H wing parking lot.

Upcoming Meetings

No meeting scheduled at this time.

Thank you to all community members for attending the City hosted community meeting on April 11, 7 - 8 p.m. at Cubberley Community Center. The project team shared details about the construction timeline, and answered questions about Fire operations when stationed at the temporary station. 

Project Documents

Public Art Commission (PAC) Staff Report – October 20, 2022
Architectural Review Board (ARB) Staff Report – February 16, 2023
BRW Architects Preliminary ARB Review Presentation -  February 16, 2023(PDF, 4MB)
PAC Staff Report - March 16, 2023(DOCX, 36KB)
Fire Station 4 Proposed Design Rendering Video
ARB Staff Report - August 3, 2023
ARB Staff Report - September 21, 2023
Approved Fire Station No. 4 Project Plans
Fire Station No. 4 Exercise Room Design Plans for ARB Ad-hoc Committee
City Council Staff Report: Approval of Purchase Order with Mobile Modular Management Corporation - March 4,  2024


3600 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303  View Map

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