Renter Protection Policy Development


Palo Alto had significant renter protection policy discussions in 2020 and 2021. These discussions culminated in City Council action on November 29, 2021 directing staff to advance additional renter protection policies. Additional rental policy development activities continue. Please explore the information on this webpage to learn more.

Upcoming Public Meetings and Events

Possible Fair Chance Housing Policy Development

 The City Council directed staff to bring a draft Fair Chance Housing ordinance for their consideration. Fair Chance Housing policies advance fair housing, anti-discrimination, and renter's rights by specifying how and when criminal history information can be used in rental housing decisions. On October 10, 2024, the Human Relations Commission (HRC) held an initial public discussion on this topic and made recommendations for City Council consideration. More details, including the meeting video and staff report, are available on the HRC Agendas page.

City Council Meeting - Following the HRC meeting, the City Council will consider HRC recommendations at a future City Council meeting. The Council meeting discussion is to be determined and once determined, Council meeting agenda and meeting materials can be found on the City Council Agendas page.

Past Renter Protection Related Public Meetings and Events

City Council Agendas and Minutes

Date Agenda and Packet Minutes Video
October 10, 2024
Action/Business Item: Initial Public Discussion of Fair Chance Housing Policy Considerations, Components and Approach Options Regarding the Use of Criminal History Information in Palo Alto Rental Housing Decisions
Agenda and Packet Minutes(PDF, 80KB) Video
May 13, 2024
Consent Calendar Item: Approval of a Professional Services Contract Number CC24187280 With 3Di in a Not-to Exceed Amount of $443,256 to Provide Rental Registry Program Software Solutions and Professional Services for a Term of Four-Years
Agenda and Packet Minutes(PDF, 620KB)  Video
December 18, 2023

Consent Calendar Item: Adoption of an Ordinance Amending the Palo Alto Municipal Code to Add Chapter 9.65 and Amend Chapter 9.72 to Establish a Mandatory Registry Program of Residential Rental Units in the City of Palo Alto; Provide Direction to Staff on the Rental Registry Program Implementation. CEQA Status – Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). (Council Action-2nd Reading)

Agenda and Packet


Minutes(PDF, 665KB) Video
November 27, 2023
Action Item: Adoption of an Ordinance Amending the Palo Alto Municipal Code to Add Chapter 9.65 and Amend Chapter 9.72 to Establish a Mandatory Registry Program of Residential Rental Units in the City of Palo Alto; Provide Direction to Staff on the Rental Registry Program Implementation. CEQA Status – Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). (Council Discussion and Action - 1st Reading)
Agenda and Packet Minutes(PDF, 531KB) Video 
August 21, 2023
Consent Calendar Item: Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section 9.68.010 (Purpose) and Section 9.68.040 (Just Cause Evictions Required) in Palo Alto Municipal Code Chapter 9.68, Rental Housing Stabilization, to Reduce the Minimum Time Period Required for Renters to Qualify for Just Cause Eviction Protections. CEQA Status - Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). (Council Action-2nd Reading)
Agenda and Packet Minutes(PDF, 567KB) Video
August 7, 2023
Consent Calendar Item: Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section 9.68.010 (Purpose) and Section 9.68.040 (Just Cause Evictions Required) in Palo Alto Municipal Code Chapter 9.68, Rental Housing Stabilization, to Reduce the Minimum Time Period Required for Renters to Qualify for Just Cause Eviction Protections. CEQA Status - Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). (Council Action-1st Reading)
Agenda and Packet Minutes(PDF, 598KB) Video 
June 19, 2023
Consent Calendar Item: Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section Palo Alto Municipal Code Chapter 9.68, Rental Housing Stabilization, to Clarify the Definitions of At-Fault and No-Fault Just Cause for Evictions, Extend Just Cause Eviction Protections and Tenant Relocation Assistance to More Rental Units in Palo Alto than Offered by State Law, and Adopt a Security Deposit Limit for Unfurnished Rental Units in Palo Alto. Environmental Assessment: Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). (Council Action-2nd Reading)
Agenda and Packet Minutes(PDF, 706KB) Video

June 5, 2023
Action Item: Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section Palo Alto Municipal Code Chapter 9.68, Rental Housing Stabilization, to Clarify the Definitions of At-Fault and No-Fault Just Cause for Evictions, Extend Just Cause Eviction Protections and Tenant Relocation Assistance to More Rental Units in Palo Alto than Offered by State Law, and Adopt a Security Deposit Limit for Unfurnished Rental Units in Palo Alto. Environmental Assessment: Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). (Council Discussion and Action-1st Reading)

Agenda and Packet Minutes(PDF, 669KB)  Video
February 14, 2022
Consent Calendar Item: Adoption of Regular Ordinance Amending Tenant Relocation Assistance for No-Fault Evictions by Reducing the Threshold for Applicability from 50 Units to 10 Units or a Lower Threshold (Council Action-2nd Reading)
Agenda Packet  Minutes  Video
January 31, 2022
Action Item: Adoption of Emergency Ordinance and Regular Ordinance Amending Tenant Relocation Assistance for No-Fault Evictions by Reducing the Threshold for Applicability from 50 Units to 10 Units or a Lower Threshold (Council Discussion and Action-1st Reading)
Agenda Packet  Minutes  Video
November 29, 2021
Action Item: Review and Recommend Renter Protection Policies for Development and Implementation (Council Discussion and Action)
Agenda Packet  Minutes Video 
November 15, 2021
Action Item: Review and Recommend Renter Protection Policies for Development and Implementation (Council Discussion and Item Continued to November 29, 2021)

Agenda Packet Minutes  Video

November 8, 2021
Action Item: Review and Recommend Renter Protection Policies for Development and Implementation (Council Discussion and Item Continued to November 15, 2021)

Revised Agenda Packet Minutes Video

Policy & Services Committee Agendas and Minutes

Date Agenda and Packet Minutes Video
September 13, 2022
Action Item: Rental Survey Program Overview for Feedback 
Agenda and Packet  Minutes Video

Housing Ad Hoc Agendas and Minutes

Date Agenda and Packet Minutes Video
August 31, 2023
Action Item: Recommendation to City Council on the Adoption of an Ordinance Amending the Palo Alto Municipal Code to Add Chapter 9.65, Residential Rental Registry Program, and Amending Chapter 9.72, Mandatory Response to Request for Discussion of Disputes Between Landlords and Tenants, to Establish a Mandatory Registry Program of Residential Rental Units in the City of Palo Alto and to Provide Feedback on the Development of the Rental Registry Program. CEQA Status - Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3).
Agenda and Packet    Video


Planning and Transportation Commission Agendas and Minutes

Date Agenda and Packet Minutes Video
May 31, 2023

Action Item: Recommendation to City Council on the Adoption of an Ordinance Amending the Palo Alto Municipal Code to Add Chapter 9.65, Rental Registry Program, to Establish a Mandatory Registry Program of Rental Units and to Provide Feedback on the Rental Registry Program Rental Unit Registration Form

Agenda and Packet Minutes(PDF, 2MB) Video
January 26, 2022
Action Item: Recommendation on Ordinance Amending Tenant Relocation Assistance for No-Fault Evictions to Apply to Structures or Lots Containing 10 or More Units, Instead of 50 or More Units 
Agenda and Packet Minutes(PDF, 2MB) Video

April 28, 2021
Action Item: Continuation of Policy Recommendation Discussion

Agenda and Packet(PDF, 174KB) Minutes(PDF, 955KB) Video
April 14, 2021
Action Item: Renter Protection Policy Recommendations

Agenda and Packet(PDF, 116KB) Minutes(PDF, 859KB) Video
September 30, 2020
Study Session on Palo Alto Renter Demographics
Agenda and Packet Minutes Video


Human Relations Commission Agendas and Minutes

Date Agenda and Packet Minutes Video
May 24, 2023

Recommendation to City Council on the Adoption of an Ordinance Amending the Palo Alto Municipal Code to Add Chapter 9.65, Rental Registry Program, to Establish a Mandatory Registry Program of Rental Units and to Provide Feedback on the Rental Registry Program Rental Unit Registration Form

Agenda and Packet Minutes(PDF, 1KB) Video
February 9, 2023
Action Item: Recommendations to improve implementation of current City renter protections
Agenda and Packet Minutes(PDF, 257KB)  Video
November 10, 2022
Action Item: Recommendations to improve implementation of current City renter protections – Continued to February 9, 2023 
Agenda and Packet Minutes  Video
September 23, 2021
Continuation of Policy Recommendation Discussion
Agenda and Packet  Minutes Video
August 12, 2021
Action Item: Renter Protection Policy Recommendations
Agenda and Packet Minutes Video
February 11, 2021
Presentation on Palo Alto Renter Demographics
Agenda and Packet Minutes Video


Eviction Reduction Just Cause and Security Deposit Limit Ordinance

Eviction Reduction Just Cause and Security Deposit Limit Ordinance

In 2023, City Council enacted the following:

  • a local limit to the amount of a security deposit charged for unfurnished rental units in Palo Alto to one and a half times (1.5x) the monthly rent, which is lower than the limit of two times (2x) the monthly rent in current state law (Security Deposit Limit Changes), and
  • just cause eviction protections in Palo Alto that extend beyond those eviction protections in state law (Just Cause Eviction Protection Changes).

Both of these local rental policy regulations are located in PAMC Chapter 9.68, Rental Housing Stabilization. Ordinance No. 5589 came into effect on July 20, 2023. Ordinance No. 5592 came into effect September 21, 2023.  

Tenant Relocation Assistance Municipal Code Requirements and Yearly Amount Calculations


At its November 29, 2021 meeting, City Council moved for staff to prepare a Palo Alto Municipal Code (PAMC) ordinance amendment to extend tenant relocation assistance for no fault evictions to more properties in Palo Alto, including properties with 10 rental units or more. On January 31, 2022 and February 14, 2022, City Council held a first and second reading of the ordinance amendment, respectively. Tenant relocation assistance for no fault evictions for properties with 10 rental units or more came into effect immediately on January 31, 2022 through Emergency Ordinance No. 5543(PDF, 529KB) and remains in effect through Ordinance No. 5544(PDF, 533KB).

In 2023, City Council enacted a local ordinance that extended just cause eviction protections to more Palo Alto rental units than what were covered under State law through California Assembly Bill 1482 (AB 1482), the Tenant Protection Act of 2019. Tenant relocation assistance for no fault evictions is now available to additional rental units in Palo Alto beyond those that are on properties with 10 units or more. Ordinance No. 5589 and Ordinance No. 5592 outline the rental units covered, as well as the amount of tenant relocation assistance required.

Current Tenant Relocation Assistance Amounts

The amount of tenant relocation assistance for no fault evictions for qualifying rental units is one times (1x) the monthly rent or a rent waiver. However, if the no fault eviction occurs at a rental unit on a property with 10 units or more, the amount of tenant relocation assistance is calculated by the number of bedrooms in a rental unit. An additional amount is applicable if a rental unit is occupied by a low-income household, someone who is 60 years of age or older, someone who is disabled, and/or someone that is a minor. When established in 2018, the lowest amount of tenant relocation assistance was $7,000 for a 0 bedroom/studio rental unit and the amount for a 3 or more bedroom rental unit was $17,000. The assistance amounts have increased in subsequent years.

The Tenant Relocation Assistance Amount Calculations sheet contains the current tenant relocation assistance amounts for rental units on properties with 10 units or more that are applicable as of July 1, 2024.