Members of the Planning & Development Services (PDS) Department work at the City’s Development Center (the DC) to assist in the design and development process. The PDS staff members at the DC are committed to helping the development community, property owners and residents to understand the process and application requirements for planning entitlements, which precede the building permit process. We are available to discuss the review and approval processes, and planning application requirements.
The Planning staff that work at the Development Center counter typically assist with general planning/zoning related questions, certificates of Use and Occupancy, and Over the Counter permits. They also accept planning entitlement applications (by appointment only), perform zoning compliance plan checks on single-story single-family building permit applications, review discretionary sign applications, and administer the City’s Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D) Program.
For more information on other Planning & Development Services topics such as code enforcement, historic preservation, pending and approved projects, and other planning resources, please visit the PDS Department website.