Wireless Project 17PLN-00193 Preliminary Architectural Review
Application # 17PLN-00193
Request by Rochelle Swanson, on behalf of Crown Castle, for Preliminary Architectural Review of location/siting criteria, configuration design criteria, and configuration design options for the deployment of 16 small cell wireless communication equipment facilities on utility poles and streetlights in the public right of way. The project plans provide information for preliminary public and Architectural Review Board consideration and comment. Three configurations are utilized: 1) all 6 wood poles have a 48” top mount antenna with 2 radios attached to the pole, 2) 3 of the streetlights have 24” top mount antenna with 4 radios within a pole-mounted concealed shroud, and 3) and 7 streetlights have a 24” top mount antenna with 2 radios within a concealed mailbox. All sites include one electrical disconnect box, associated conduit, and fiber/power. Trenching is proposed at some sites. For further background information, please refer to the City’s website (search under the project file number 17PLN-00193), and the 2016 Master License Agreement process. Formal applications will be filed in the future for Major Architectural Review and Conditional Use Permits for the 16 small cell locations.