300 Lambert Ave
Senate Bill (SB) 330 Application #: 23PLN-00073
An SB 330 pre-application for a proposed 5-story housing development project was submitted on March 22, 2023. The project includes 45 residential units and two floors of below grade parking (85 spaces) and resident storage areas in a 3:1 FAR building. Nine of these units will be designated as Below Market Rate (BMR) units affordable to low income households. The applicant has indicated an intention to invoke the "Builder's Remedy" under the Housing Accountability Act. The proposal includes the merger of two parcels and a condominium map for 280 and 300 Lambert Ave, previously used as automotive repair facilities. Zoning District: CS.
SB 330 Explanation
Senate Bill SB 330 allows for an applicant to submit a preliminary application for a housing development project. SB 330 has two key phases: a pre-application phase and a formal submittal phase. The purpose of the pre-application is to collect specific site and project information to determine the zoning, design, subdivision, and fee requirements that will apply to the housing development project throughout the review and entitlement process. Once a compliant SB 330 pre-application is submitted, the project can only be subject to those land use regulations that are adopted and in effect on the date of the pre-application. With a few narrow exceptions, the City is prohibited from applying new ordinances, policies, standards and/or fees to the development. In addition, once a formal application is complete, the City is limited to five total hearings on the project.
The City can ask for only certain information during the pre-application phase. This provides some guarantees to the applicant that City land use requirements will be not be changed mid-stream. During the pre-application phase, the City may hold outreach meetings that will not be counted towards the five hearing limit applied to the formal process. The applicant must submit a formal application for a development project within 180 calendar days of submitting a complete pre-application.
Environmental Review: CEQA Not Applicable
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300 Lambert Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306 View Map
300 Lambert Ave ,
Palo Alto, CA 94306
300 Lambert Ave ,
Palo Alto, CA 94306
300 Lambert Ave