Creek/Stream Corridor Protection Ordinance Update

To implement the policies and programs related to creek corridor protection in the Palo Alto's Comprehensive Plan, the City has started its process to revise its Stream Corridor Protection Ordinance. This update is intended to protect the City's waterways from future developmental impacts while improving their function as habitat connectivity corridors, where possible. The City hired a consultant team from Good City Company to lead this project, conduct community outreach, and prepare the updated ordinance.

Share feedback and learn more as work gets underway on this project by attending the Planning and Transportation Commission (PTC) study session on August 14, 2024. At this study session, staff and consultant will provide an overview of the existing conditions report and discuss approaches to address creek corridor protection. Your input will help staff and the consultant develop an updated ordinance, which will be reviewed by the PTC and then presented to the City Council for adoption.

Upcoming Public Meetings

Planning and Transportation Commission

Wednesday, August 14, 2024
At the study session, staff will provide an overview of the existing conditions report, and discuss approaches to address creek corridor protection.


Prior Public Meetings