Palo Alto FireMed Frequently Asked Questions

The Palo Alto FireMed program is a monthly subscription service that provides you peace of mind during medical emergencies that require an ambulance ride to the hospital and helps the Palo Alto Fire Department continue providing high quality fire and emergency medical services to the community.

Who is covered by the Palo Alto FireMed?

  • All permanent residents of the subscribing household are covered in addition to umbrella coverage for visitors to your home that experience an emergency when ambulance service is needed. 

  • For business subscribers, all employees are covered. Visitors and guests at the business are not covered. 

  • Everyone subscribed is covered if they’re picked up within the City of Palo Alto limits. If you’re transported to a hospital is outside of Palo Alto, the subscription still provides coverage.

How do I enroll in Palo Alto FireMed?


How do I pay for the Palo Alto FireMed?

The monthly fee for the program is added to your City of Palo Alto Utility bill.  


How much does the Palo Alto FireMed cost?

  • Residential subscription fee is $8 per month.  

  • Business subscription monthly fees range from $20-$1,000 per month, based on employee headcount. See table below.


Employee Headcount

Monthly Fee

















What if there are changes or updates to my contact information or address?

If you move from a location in Palo Alto to another residence or business address within Palo Alto, your membership will need to be updated accordingly.

Call the Palo Alto FireMed ambulance subscription program at (650) 838-2808 or email

How many emergency ambulance transports are covered during the subscription period?

A subscription provides unlimited emergency ambulance transports for the subscribing household, all permanent residents of the household, and any visitor to the subscriber's household (the visitor must be picked up at the subscriber's household). This holds true for Palo Alto businesses and their employees.

I received an ambulance transportation bill, but I am a member of Palo Alto FireMed. Do I still have to pay this bill? 

No, if you are a Palo Alto FireMed member and are transported from the City of Palo Alto, the City’s ambulance insurance billing company, Digitech, will take care of the bill.

When you take an emergency medical ambulance ride within the Palo Alto city limits, a Palo Alto Fire Department ambulance will likely transport you - or a County-maintained ambulance will arrive if all PAFD ambulances are otherwise occupied. As a Palo Alto FireMed member, you may receive an invoice or bill from Digitech, the ambulance insurance billing company that handles billing for the Department. FireMed members are not required to pay the amount on the invoice. Please call Digitech at (888) 980-9213 to verify your membership and waive potential fees.

Please contact Digitech at (888) 980-9213 to alert them that you received a bill/invoice.

I have medical insurance, what are the benefits of subscribing to Palo Alto FireMed?

  • When the Palo Alto Fire Department charges insurance companies for transportation, there is no guarantee that your insurance company will cover all the charges. The charges may be denied or only partially paid, or your deductible may result in an unpaid balance for which you are responsible and typically costs hundreds of dollars. 

  • As a Palo Alto FireMed member, you don’t have to worry because you are not responsible for any costs at the time of the ambulance ride. Also, keep in mind that your membership covers your guests who may not have the same insurance as you do and may need that extra financial protection in an emergency. Subscribing to the program gives you peace of mind for yourself and guests to not worry whether your insurance will pay the ambulance bill. The monthly fee is only a fraction of most insurance companies’ deductibles.

  • When you take an emergency medical ambulance ride within the Palo Alto city limits, a Palo Alto Fire Department ambulance will likely transport you - or a County-maintained ambulance will arrive if all PAFD ambulances are otherwise occupied. As a Palo Alto FireMed member, you may receive an invoice or bill from Digitech, the ambulance insurance billing company that handles billing for the Department. FireMed members are not required to pay the amount on the invoice. Please call Digitech at (888) 980-9213 to verify your membership and waive potential fees.

Why does Palo Alto FireMed charge my insurance plan?

Palo Alto FireMed is not an insurance company - we are a provider of services. In order to provide the current level of emergency service to the community we must attempt to recover the costs associated with treatment and transportation. Through the monies collected from treatment and transportation charges, and membership fees, the current system of pre-hospital emergency services in our community is greatly enhanced.

I am retired and only have Medi‐Cal coverage. Should I enroll in Palo Alto FireMed?

No. Medi‐Cal does not require a co‐payment or deductible for emergency medical transportation; therefore, this program is not beneficial to you. 

Does Palo Alto FireMed cover transportation from my house to my doctor’s office, or trips such as from a hospital to my home, or from a hospital to another hospital? 

No. Your Palo Alto FireMed membership is for emergency transports only, from a Palo Alto location to an emergency-receiving hospital. The types of non-emergency transports such as those stated in the question can be provided by any ambulance company provider, but they will not be covered by your Palo Alto FireMed membership.  


What happens if I am not a subscriber and I require emergency ambulance transportation?

  • Even if you aren't subscribed to Palo Alto FireMed, you will always receive the highest level of emergency treatment and transportation when you call 911.  

  • As a non‐subscriber, you will be billed for the emergency ambulance transportation. You may give the bill to your insurance company, and you will be responsible for any co‐payment or deductible.  


If I’m a Palo Alto FireMed member and require an ambulance ride that originates in Palo Alto, which hospitals are covered under my membership?

Palo Alto FireMed members who receive an emergency medical ambulance ride will typically be transported to a county approved receiving facility. To be covered by Palo Alto FireMed, the point of origin needs to be within Palo Alto city limits; location of the hospital does not determine eligibility.

I was in an auto accident, are the passengers in my car covered?

If the car accident happens within the City of Palo Alto and if the passengers are Palo Alto FireMed subscribers themselves or guests of a participating household, then they would be covered.

If I received emergency transportation services originating in another city, will Palo Alto FireMed cover that bill?

No, this program only covers emergency medical ambulance transportation from within Palo Alto City limits.

I was transported from my job, what information is needed if my employer is enrolled in Palo Alto FireMed?

You will need to provide your name, employer information, and the City will contact the agency to verify your employment.

How do I cancel my Palo Alto FireMed subscription?

You may cancel your membership at any time. The cancellation will become effective on your next utility bill date. Please email and include your name, address, and telephone number.

You will receive an email confirmation along with the effective termination date.