Take Steps to Be Ready for the Next Big Earthquake

    Picture of Home Breaking Apart         Icon that reads: Are You Ready for the Next Major Earthquake        Icon of clipboard to illustrate making a checklist

Earthquake preparedness refers to activities we do prior to an earthquake to be ready to respond to and recover from significant ground shaking. When it comes to earthquakes, there are simple things you can do to improve your chances of survival and recovery.

At a minimum, you should be prepared to be isolated and on your own for at least three days and nights. Local law enforcement, fire department, and medical services may be delayed for hours and sometimes days. There may likely be the loss of utilities after a disaster: it is possible the power will be out, water may be scarce, gas lines may break, phones and cell towers could become inoperable, roads might be impassible, etc. The good news is that you can prepare now for what is likely to happen in the future.

Home Hazards Durring Earthquake.JPG

Begin preparing your home and family with resources from the United States Geological Service (USGS) about Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country.

Become An Emergency Services Volunteer (ESV) To Help Your Local Community

The Office of Emergency Services sponsors the Palo Alto ESV program that consists of Palo Alto community members who make Palo Alto more resilient by forming neighborhood connections, promoting emergency preparedness, and providing supplementary resources to professional first responders during times of need.  

The ESV program includes:

  • Palo Alto Neighborhoods - Neighborhood and Block Preparedness Coordinators
  • Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members
  • Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) a.k.a. ham radio operators

The Seven Steps To Earthquake Saftey

Earthquake Preparedness

Preparedness refers to activities we do prior to an earthquake to be ready to respond to and recover from significant ground shaking. When it comes to earthquakes, there are simple things you can do to improve your chances of survival and recovery. Taking the time to prepare supplies, create emergency contact list, and establish an out-of-town location for temporary lodging is worth the effort should an earthquake occur. 

The Seven Steps
  1. Identify potential hazards in your home and fix them: Step 1
  2. Create a disaster-preparedness plan: Step 2
  3. Create disaster kits: Step 3 
  4. Identify your building’s potential weaknesses and fix them: Step 4
  5. Protect yourself during earthquake shaking: Step 5
  6. After the quake, check for injuries and damage: Step 6
  7. When safe, continue to follow your disaster-preparedness plan: Step 7

For more details from the Earthquake Country Alliance: Welcome to Earthquake Country!

How to Receive Emergency Notifications

  • Sign up for Alert Santa Clara County (SCC) emergency messaging at this link: AlertSCC
  • Make sure your smartphone’s Wireless Emergency Alerts are on. By enabling this feature, you will receive emergency notifications should an emergency occur.
  • Download the free MyShake app, which is designed to deliver alerts seconds before humans feel the ground shake, giving you extra time to shelter. it is available on Android phones and iPhones.

Earthquake Safety For Access And Functional Needs (AFN)

Seniors, People with Disabilities, and others with Access and Functional Needs (AFN) may have additional needs before, during and after an earthquake. Please visit the following links to learn more about earthquake preparedness for the AFN community.


Helpful Earthquake Safety Resources

Here are some resources to help prepare for the next major earthquake. Taking the time to prepare now will reduce the challenges that occur when a major earthquake strikes.  

  • Learn more about International ShakeOut Day which is every third Thursday of October. The Shakeout website has useful activities that will help you prepare for the next earthquake. click ShakeOut.org/register to learn more.