MEOC: Mobile Emergency Operations Center

Mobile EOC vehicle

interior of Mobile EOC rear area   exterior view of Mobile EOC   interior view of Mobile EOC front area

Purpose and Mission

  • Mobile Emergency Operations Center and field Incident Command Post functions.
  • Supports a wide range of missions from dignitary visits to Stanford football games to real-world emergencies.
  • Backup Palo Alto 9-1-1 center.
  • Expands command post functions with tents and vehicles to support staff and missions.
  • Mutual Aid resource.
  • One of only five similar vehicles in the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Deploys across the San Francisco Bay Area to support regional partners.
  • Routinely mobilized for operations, events, exercises, and public demonstrations.
  • Acquired in 2010: Federal Grant and City of Palo Alto funded.

Vehicle Facts and Audio / Video Systems

  • 40 feet in length, 12 feet in height.
  • 30,000 pound gross vehicle weight.
  • 25 kilowatt on-board generator: internal power for multi-day use.
  • HD digital video camera on mast.
  • IP-based media telephone gateways.
  • CDMA phone cell system.
  • Satellite TV receivers and DVRs.
  • 16 port HDMI matrix video switcher.

Interoperable Communications

  • 8 port portable SyTech Radio Interoperability System (RIOS) – patch channels and create a backup repeater.
  • Radios covering HF, VHF, UHF, 700/800 MHz bands.

Onboard Networks

  • 4G LTE
  • WiFi
  • Direct Wire and Fiber Connection
  • Satellite: ISIS Emergency Mobile Responder - G18 and SES-2 satellites
  • 4.9 GHz Microwave

MEOC Video Tour