Know Your Neighbors Grant

The City is excited to offer grants to Palo Alto residents through the Know Your Neighbors Grant Program.

The Know Your Neighbors Grant Program is designed to help neighbors better connect with each other while strengthening community and improving the quality of life and neighborhoods in Palo Alto. The goals of the Program are to:
  1. Build a sense of community.
  2. Develop or renew neighborhood relationships.
  3. Encourage interaction between generations and cultures.
  4. Increase governance and organizational leadership of neighborhood associations.
  5. Develop collaborative partnerships between Palo Alto neighborhoods and the City.

Citizens or Neighborhood Associations may apply for a Know Your Neighbor Grant for activities such as block parties, event kick-off celebrations, neighborhood crime prevention and safety activities, and gatherings involving the building of connections between neighbors. Events hosted by individual community members can qualify for a grant up to $700. Events hosted by Neighborhood Associations can qualify for a grant up to $1200. Grants may be applied for at any time throughout the year (at least two weeks prior to event date) and will be awarded on activities that meet eligibility requirements on a "first come, first served" basis.

Funding Process:

Step 1.Rules & Guidelines

Read and review the Know Your Neighbors Grant Guidelines(PDF, 205KB).

Step 2.Send Your Application

Complete and submit the Know Your Neighbor Grant Application.

Step 3.Grant Agreement

Once your application has been reviewed and approved, a Grant Agreement will be emailed to you.

Step 4.Evaluation

After your event is complete, a Grant Evaluation must be submitted within thirty (30) days.