About Our Commissions

Much of the review, discussion and public participation that goes into the implementation of new Community Services programs, services and policies takes place at three important Commissions that provide recommendations to the City Council, as well as to the Council’s Finance Committee and Policy & Services Committee.

The Parks & Recreation Commission is responsible for reviewing plans for park and community center renovations and expansions. The Commission reviews information from stakeholder and community meetings and works to resolve competing needs from different constituents.  Rules and Regulations that govern the congenial use of park facilities and community centers are also developed by the Commission. Creating broad policies on trail connections, field use priorities and conservation of our natural resources, the Parks and Recreation Commission provides advice to the City Council on how the goals and objectives of the City’s Comprehensive Plan can best be implemented and achieved.

The Parks and Recreation Commission meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.

Learn more about the Parks and Recreation Commission.

The Human Relations Commission works to enhance communication between citizen’s and their government; to address critical human service needs through City-sponsored grant funding; and oversee the appointment of mediators for the Palo Alto Mediation Program. The Commission serves as an advocate to address human relations issues, including promotion of awareness, understanding and resolution of actual or potential conflicts, discrimination, or injustice while encouraging community building and civic engagement.

The Human Relations Commission meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m.

Learn more about the Human Relations Commission.

The Public Art Commission enhances the community through the acquisition and display of murals, sculptures, painting and other forms of art throughout community centers, parks, libraries and the Civic Center. The Commission has a pivotal role in implementing the City’s 1% for Art Policy and for selecting artists to create enriching works of arts for new or renovated City facilities. The City’s Art in Public Places collection includes more than 70 permanently sited sculptures and murals and over 200 portable artworks, which are rotated through special exhibits and public displays.  The Commission is also responsible for conserving and protecting the assets of the City’s valuable collection. 

The Public Art Commission meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.

Learn more about the Public Art Commission.