Pearson-Arastradero Preserve

Due to inclement weather and hazards, open space preserves may close or partially restrict access without notification. Check for restrictions and more information on the storm update page.

Pearson-Arastradero Preserve is a beautiful mixture of rolling grassland and evergreen forest. It varies in elevation from 275 feet in the northeast to 775 feet in the southwest. Wildlife that is not uncommon to see are deer, bobcats, coyotes, and many varieties of birds. Each area of the preserve has something different to offer, whether it is a view of the bay, a quiet walk through the grasslands, or a snooze by the lake.

Mountain Lion Habitat Warning

The Pearson-Arastradero Preserve, and the surrounding area are habitats for the California mountain lion. Mountain lion precautions and notices are posted at the preserves' authorized entrance points. California Department of Fish and Game offers the following suggestions when traveling in Mountain Lion Country: 

  • Do not hike alone
  • Do not approach a lion
  • Do not run from a lion
  • Do not crouch down or bend over
  • Do keep children close to you
  • Do all you can to appear larger
  • Do fight back if attacked

Help track mountain lion activity by promptly reporting all sightings to the rangers at (650) 329-2423. In an emergency, call Palo Alto Police Communications 24 hours a day at 650-329-2413.

For more information on California mountain lions visit the California Department of Fish and Game's Keep Me Wild web page.

Preserve Rules

These are a few of the rules that enable everyone to have an enjoyable experience in this nature preserve:

  • All Rules and Regulations 
  • Park only in designated parking spaces at the parking lot.
  • Dogs are required to be on leash and under physical control at all times.
  • Fires, barbecues, and smoking are prohibited anywhere in the preserve.
  • Stay on marked trails. You may not go off trail.
  • No hunting or camping.
  • Helmets are required for all bicyclists.
  • No collecting of plants or animals.
  • No remote control devices, including devices such as boats, planes, quadcopters, drones.
  • Some trails are closed seasonally due to wet weather.

Things To Do

  • Hiking, Biking and Equestrian Trails: The Pearson-Arastradero Preserve has 10.25 miles of trails for hiking, bicycling and horseback riding. Most of the trails (6.6 miles) are open year-round. Some trails (3.6 miles) are designated as "seasonal" and are closed at the trailheads after heavy rain. When the ground is firm enough to ride and hike on without causing damage, the trails are re-opened by preserve rangers. 
  • Please be courteous to other trail users. Always yield to equestrians. Bikes must also yield to hikers. When in a group, avoid blocking the trail. Help preserve the land by staying on trails.
  • Lake and Fishing: Arastradero Lake is a twenty minute hike from the parking lot and is open all year to fishing. All California Fish and Game rules apply. Boats, flotation devices, and swimming are not permitted.


  • In the 1970s, Palo Alto purchased the Arastradero property (533 acres and three buildings) from Arastra Ltd. for $7,475,000 after the city amended its Comprehensive Plan to include most of the foothills in the Open Space Controlled Development. In addition, restrictions were imposed that would limit development to an average of ten acres per dwelling. In 1981 the space was dedicated as park land, with “...emphasis on the natural and open space amenities of the land and sensitivity to the fragile foothills ecology.”
  • Arastradero Preserve was renamed Enid Pearson-Arastradero Preserve in 2004 to honor former city council member Enid Pearson who was instrumental in the passage of a measure in 1965 that prohibits Palo Alto from selling any park land without voters’ approval.

Arastradero Creek Stabilization Project

The City will seek a consultant to assist with completing a permanent creek stabilization project to protect the upstream utility pipeline crossings in Arastradero Creek in the Pearson-Arastradero Preserve. The project will consist of repairing a six-foot head cut in the creek that exposed an existing gas pipeline crossing.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) gave notice of its intent to provide funding for the project under the Public Assistance Grant Program. View FEMA's Final Public Notice of intent to provide funding.


1530 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304  View Map

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