The Cameron Park Renovation Capital Improvement Project is now complete. The project featured a newly upgraded playground, pathways for increased connectivity and accessibility, site amenities, and landscaping around the park.
Meetings & Engagement
Community Meeting #1
Two community meetings were held on Wednesday May 6, 2020 to review the proposed renovations to Cameron Park. The meeting provided the opportunity for the community to provide input on the proposed renovations.
Community Meeting #2
A community meeting was held on Thursday July 2, 2020 to review the proposed updated renovations to Cameron Park and the results of the on line community survey. The meeting provided the opportunity for the community to provide input on the proposed renovations.
Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting #1
A Parks and Recreation Commission meeting was held on Tuesday June 30, 2020 to review the proposed renovations to Cameron Park. The meeting provided the opportunity for the commission to provide input on the proposed renovations and updates to the input provided in the community meetings.
Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting #2
A Parks and Recreation Commission meeting was held on Tuesday September 22, 2020 to review the proposed renovations to Cameron Park. The commission was requested to recommend for Parks Improvement Ordinance to Council for approval.