Policies and Documents

Public Art in Capital Improvement Projects

The City of Palo Alto Public Art Program operates in accordance with Chapter 2.26 Visual Art in Public Places Policy of Palo Alto Municipal Code. The Muni Percent for Art Policy(PDF, 109KB) specifies that the City will budget one percent (1%) of its construction costs to include public art for City capital improvement projects that have a visual impact on the surrounding environment by altering a site through new construction or reconstruction, at the initial stages of design, thereby ensuring that art elements become an integral part of the overall design.

Examples of projects may include:

  • New buildings such as libraries, public safety buildings, community centers, parking garages
  • Parks and plazas
  • Gateways entering and exiting at the City boundaries
  • Bridges, walls and tunnels

In 2015, in order to strengthen its ongoing commitment to the City’s municipal public art program, the Palo Alto Council amended the Palo Alto Municipal Code to add Section 2.26.070 "Public Art for Municipal Projects" to Chapter 2.26 (Visual Art in Public Places). The new Ordinance no. 5301(PDF, 97KB) aims to enhance the funds available for public art and to increase flexibility to provide art experiences that are timely and relevant throughout the community. According to the Ordinance, one percent (1%) of the City’s annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget devoted to public art is deposited into the Public Art Fund. Funds may be used at any appropriate site within Palo Alto for permanent or temporary public art projects. Additionally, funds from two or more CIP projects may be pooled to fund a single work of art. This Process Chart(PDF, 198KB) outlines the art selection and approval process for municipal public art projects.

Public Art Policies

As part of the Public Art Master Planning effort to apply national standards and best practices in the field of public art for added transparency and accountability, the City staff worked with Master Plan consultants to update the following policies:

Percent for Art in Private Development

In December 2013, the Palo Alto City Council adopted an Ordinance no. 5226(PDF, 369KB) to add chapter 16.61 to the Municipal Code establishing a requirement for public art in construction projects requiring Architectural Review over 10,000 square feet, with an estimated construction value of more than $200,000. The Ordinance provides the option of commissioning artwork on the development site equal to the cost of one percent (1%) of the estimated construction valuation, or paying the one percent (1%) to the Public Art Fund in-lieu fee. Refer to the Valuation Verification Process Guide(PDF, 187KB) to learn more about what determines construction valuation. Public art enhances the quality of life in a community, fosters economic development and creates vital public spaces. This Ordinance allows for a very broad spectrum of types of artworks and provides opportunities for developers and artists to create diverse and exciting art experiences for the community.

The Public Art in Private Development Brochure(PDF, 425KB) and Letter to Developers(PDF, 385KB) allow to learn about the Ordinance and art opportunities at a glance. The Application Packet(PDF, 2MB) provides detailed information about the art requirements and application process, including the Ordinance and Application Form(PDF, 106KB). Developers are encouraged to meet with the Public Art Program staff within 60 days of the initial application to the Planning Department. During this meeting Developers will gain in-depth knowledge about the commissioning process, including the overview of the Application Checklists(PDF, 363KB) for the Initial and Final reviews by the Public Art Commission. For more information or to set up an appointment with the Public Art Program staff please call (650) 329-2227 or email

The Baylands Public Art Overlay

The Baylands Public Art Overlay(PDF, 1MB)

The Public Art Overlay to the Palo Alto Baylands Natural Preserve (Baylands) Comprehensive Conservation Plan (BCCP) was created by the Watershed Sculpture artists Daniel McCormick and Mary O'Brien in 2019. Informed by the artists' research into the history and natural environment of the area, numerous site visits, and extensive engagement with community and stakeholder groups, the Public Art Overlay(PDF, 1MB) outlines a vision for appropriate themes and types of public art in the Baylands and along the Embarcadero Road corridor in keeping with the area's character and ecological needs. Public art opportunities may be funded through in-lieu contributions generated by private development projects that are subject to the private development taking place in the corridor that subject to the private percent for art requirement.