
Generations, Cameron Moberg, 2024

Generations by Cameron Moberg

Bloom, Nicole Ponsler, 2023

Bloom by Nicole Ponsler

Moonflowers for Georgia, Olivia Losee-Unger, 2023

Moonflowers for Georgia by Olivia Losee-Unger

Palo Alto Mural Artist Roster

The Palo Alto Public Art Program put out a call in early 2023 for muralists interested in commissions in private development projects, municipal projects, and mural festivals in a wide range of scales and locations. Artists selected for the Palo Alto Mural Artist Roster demonstrated artistic merit, ability, and experience designing and painting murals. The Palo Alto Mural Artist Roster provides a publicly available list of artists working in a wide range of visual styles and mural techniques.

Individuals, businesses, or property owners interested in placing a mural on an exterior wall, construction fence, utility box, or other location visible from the public right-of-way and within the City of Palo Alto, may commission an artist approved by the City of Palo Alto Public Art Program. Artists in the Roster may be considered and selected for specific private mural projects as well as Municipal commissions by project-based selection panels consisting of Public Art Program staff, arts professionals, and community members. Inclusion in the Roster does not guarantee a mural commission. Artists will remain on the Roster for five (5) years. Artists may update their work samples and related information at any time throughout the duration of the Roster. The Public Art Program staff will review the Roster every five (5) years and reserves the right to remove an artist from the Roster at any time for any reason.

Palo Alto Mural Artist Roster(PDF, 131MB)