Participate in Ten Minute Play Contest

Would you like to participate in our Play Palooza, 10 Minute Play Contest? Please follow the instructions below:

Play Palooza, 10 Minute Play Contest
Selected winning Play Palooza entries will get the chance to participate in a staged reading of their work, culminating in a Winter workshop at the Children's Theatre!

If you are a teen (age 13 through high school) interested in auditioning for this year’s Play Palooza presentation, please e-mail:


Step 1.Rules & Requirements

  • Students in grades 3-12 are invited to submit original plays to Play Palooza, 10 Minute Play Contest. 
  • Public, private, charter, and home-school students are welcome to submit entries.
  • Original works can be submitted in three categories: Elementary School, Middle School, and High School.
  • Collaborative works are accepted.
  • Deadline: December 20.

Step 2.Documents Needed

  • Submission Form
  • Copy of your Ten Minute Play (PDF or DOCX file format preferred) should be attached to the form.

Step 3.Complete Submission Form

Submission Form

Step 4.We'll Contact You

  • You will receive an e-mail as soon as we receive your submission.  Selected plays will receive staged readings at the Palo Alto Children’s Theatre in Spring. Prizes and acknowledgements for selected playwrights provided by the Friends of the Palo Alto Children’s Theatre.