

About the artist:

Since the 1980s, Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese have explored the intersection of art, technology, and society by blending traditional and digital techniques across various media. Their artistic practice focuses on the present day, using current technologies to question how social and political systems relate, build, interact, or harm society. Known collectively as LigoranoReese, the artists live in New York City and work from their studio in Brooklyn. 


Artwork in exhibition:


LigoranoReese, I•AM•I, 2014,Woven fiber optic thread panel, RGB LEDs and custom hardware, Mac mini computer, UDP, HTML5 GUI, Heroku database, user generated Fitbit and emotional data, aluminum and brass frame, Plexiglass, monofilament, Fitbit watch, Aria scale, cleat, 38" x 23" x 5", courtesy of the artists and Catharine Clark Gallery