Resources for Hybrid Meeting Attendance


Wondering how to provide public comment?
Check out the City Meeting Public Comment Policy and available translation services.

Hybrid meetings offer the public the flexibility of attending either virtually/remotely by using Zoom or in-person at City Hall. The hybrid meetings will take place in the City Council Chambers or the Community Meeting Room at City Hall for all boards, commissions, committees, and City Council meetings (except for Ad Hoc Committees). City Hall HVAC system operations have been enhanced in alignment with CDC recommendations, and supplemental HEPA filtration will be provided in the Chambers to further improve indoor air quality.

General Public Comment for items not on the agenda will be accepted in person for up to three minutes or an amount of time determined by the Chair. General public comment will be heard for 30 minutes. Additional public comments, if any, will be heard at the end of the agenda. Public comments for agendized items will be accepted both in person and via Zoom for up to three minutes or an amount of time determined by the Chair. Requests to speak will be taken until 5 minutes after the staff’s presentation or as determined by the Chair. Written public comments can be submitted in advance to and will be provided to the Council and available for inspection on the City’s website. Please clearly indicate which agenda item you are referencing in your subject line.

PowerPoints, videos, or other media to be presented during public comment are accepted only by email to city.clerk@CityofPaloAlto.orgat least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Once received, the Clerk will have them shared at public comment for the specified item. To uphold strong cybersecurity management practices, USB’s or other physical electronic storage devices are not accepted.

Council meetings will are broadcast and streamed live on the City’s YouTube channel, Channel 26 or 29 on cable TV, on the Midpen Media Center's website, and via Zoom as listed on the agenda.  


Meeting Information and Schedules

The City of Palo Alto has regular meeting dates for all of its governing bodies. The City's meeting information is best found in the published agenda packets. Agenda packets outline the items that will be discussed at the meeting. It also includes important information, such as when to provide public comment and how to join a meeting online. 

Getting Online Access

Need to get online access to participate in Council meetings remotely? Visit our Palo Alto Libraries! Learn about the libraries' technology resources and find locations and hours online.

We recommend the following library resources to help engage in our public meetings:

  • Wireless Internet is available at all branches. No password or library card is required.
    Steps to Connect:
    1. Look for PA_OverAir_Library on your wireless device.
    2. Accept the policy and enjoy 2 hours of access.
    3. After 2 hours, you can repeat the process for more Internet access.

Still have questions? Connect with the Library by phone at (650) 329-2436 for more information.

Participating in a Meeting

All City of Palo Alto meetings are held in-person in Council Chambers or the Community Meeting Room and via Zoom. Zoom information is available on all published agendas on the first page. Members of the public may participate and submit comment in-person, via teleconference or phone.

  • Written public comments may be submitted to the entire City Council by emailing or emailing a Council Member directly. Public Comments to Council are posted every Monday at noon on our Public Letters to Council Webpage. Emails relevant to an Agenda Item heard that day are linked on the City Council agenda packet on the day of the meeting. 

  • If participating in-person, please complete a speaker request card and deliver it to the Clerk prior to the discussion of the Agenda Item.

  • If participating by video, use the link provided on the top front page of the agenda to connect. Click the Zoom Join Link and input the webinar ID found on the front page of the agenda.   
    • Remote public comments are accepted only for agendized items. 
    • You may be asked to enter an email address and name. We request that you identify yourself by name as this will be visible online and will be used to notify you that it is your turn to speak.
    • To speak on an Agenda Item, click "Raise Hand". The Clerk will call on speakers in turn and ask you to unmute your device. After the allotted time, you will then be re-muted.
    • A timer will be shown on the computer to help keep track of the time limit.
  • If participating by phone, dial in US: +1 (669) 900-6833 to connect. Once connected, enter in the webinar ID found on the front page of the agenda.
    • Remote public comments are accepted only for agendized items.
    • You will be asked to provide your first and last name before addressing the Council.
    • To speak on an Agenda Item, press *9 to "Raise Hand". The Clerk will call on speakers in turn as ask you to unmute your device.
    • Press *6 to unmute your device when called upon.
    • After the allotted time, you will then be re-muted. 
  • For more information about joining a meeting, please visit Zoom's How to Join a Meeting Guide.

Palo Alto broadcasts online and by Cable TV Channel 26 or 29. You may choose from these options to view a meeting:

  • Midpen Media Center broadcasts most Palo Alto meetings. This includes that of City Council, Council Committees, Boards, Commissions, and other special Committees. Only the City/School Liaison Committee Meeting is streamed through Zoom, not MidPen.
  • The City of Palo Alto YouTube Channel streams all meetings live.
  • Zoom is the main online platform for all hybrid meetings.