Budget Adjustments and Monitoring

After the annual budget is approved, staff brings forward budget amendment recommendations to the City Council. These budget amendments are in response to urgent and unforeseen issues, acceptance of grant funds, or Council direction. The tables below summarize Council approved budget amendments by fund type.

To keep the Council and public informed regarding the City’s revenues and expenditures, staff presents quarterly reports to the Finance Committee and the City Council with the focus on the General Fund, Enterprise Funds, and the Capital Improvement Fund. These reports summarize actual expenditures incurred and revenue receipts, discuss any major variances, and highlight major issues.

Council Approved Budget Amendments by Fund Type

The tables below list City Council approved budget amendments by fiscal year and provide links to the corresponding staff reports. In addition, the City Council approved numerous budget amendments in various funds as part of the approval of the Midyear Budget Review report and the Budget Closing and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report as listed below.

Quarterly Financial Status Reports

Quarterly, staff brings forward financial status reports with a focus on the General Fund, Enterprise Funds, Internal Service Funds, and the Capital Improvement Program. With the Midyear Budget Review and Budget Closing reports, staff also recommends budget amendments for various funds.

The tables below list City Council approved budget amendments by fiscal year and provide links to the corresponding staff reports.  In addition, the City Council approved numerous budget amendments in various funds as part of the approval of the Midyear Budget Review report and the Budget Closing and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report as listed below.