Water is a limited resource in California, and its availability will be further impacted by climate change. With shifting climate patterns and significant long-term water supply uncertainty, reducing water consumption, exploring ways to capture and store water, and increasing the availability and use of recycled water are important steps to creating a resilient water supply. Whether water supply shortages exist or not, "Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life" is a concept embraced by the City.
Currently in the final stages of development, the One Water Plan will serve as the City's long term guide to better prepare our water supply for uncertainties like a multi-year drought, climate change, and more. The One Water approach looks at non-potable water options such as captured stormwater and recycled water to supplement and preserve the water supply.
Water and the S/CAP
The Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (S/CAP) guides Palo Alto's sustainability and emissions reduction strategy. Water related goals in the S/CAP set out to reduce Palo Alto's potable water consumption and develop a water supply portfolio that is resilient to the impacts of climate change and changing regulations. Additionally, water use is linked to greenhouse gas emissions, as energy is needed to transport and treat water, treat wastewater, and heat domestic hot water in homes and businesses. As we develop strategies to adapt to a changing water supply, considering our emissions is important to achieving the emissions reduction goals set in the S/CAP.

Take Action!
Palo Alto residents and businesses play a key role in helping reduce water use in the City. See the pages below to find opportunities, resources, and rebates that can help you make water conservation a California way of life.
Help save water by reporting water waste through Palo Alto 311. Email drought@cityofpaloalto.org or leave a voice message at (650) 496-6968.
Learn More
Interested in learning more about water in Palo Alto? Check out the links below.
Palo Alto's Local Water Supply Recycled Water Green Stormwater Infrastructure