Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (S/CAP)


2020 GHG Reductions Progress Palo Alto has long been a leader in sustainability, making impressive progress towards reducing its carbon impacts, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and resource consumption. In October 2022, the City Council passed an ambitious carbon neutrality by 2030 goal, building on the City's existing goal of cutting emissions 80% below 1990 levels by 2030. And in a major step in advancing the City's sustainability and climate action goals, City Council adopted the 2022 Sustainability and Climate Action Plan(PDF, 6MB) (S/CAP) in June 2023.

The S/CAP is a comprehensive document laying out the City's strategy to achieve these ambitious carbon reduction goals, while improving our natural environment, adapting to climate impacts, and increasing livability for Palo Alto residents. While reducing emissions is a priority for the City, Palo Alto believes in a comprehensive view of sustainability. The S/CAP addresses eight focus areas: Climate Action, Energy, Mobility, Electric Vehicles, Water, Climate Adaptation and Sea Level Rise, Natural Environment, and Zero Waste. 

Frequently Asked Questions

2022 Sustainability and Climate Action Plan 

In 2020, the City launched an update to the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (S/CAP) to develop the strategies needed to meet our sustainability goals, including our goal of reducing GHG emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 (the “80 x 30” goal) and most recent Carbon Neutral by 2030 goal. Following delays associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, City Council approved the updated S/CAP Goals and Key Actions in October 2022, allowing staff to commence California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) evaluation of the S/CAP. In June 2023, the 2022 Sustainability and Climate Action Plan(PDF, 6MB) was adopted, the Comprehensive Plan Environmental Impact Report Addendum: Update to the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan(PDF, 943KB) was certified, and Council accepted the 2023-2025 S/CAP Workplan(PDF, 741KB).

Goals and Key Actions

  1. S/CAP Potential Areas and Priorities(PDF, 194KB)

    City staff proposed priorities in seven areas: Energy, Mobility, Electric Vehicles, Water, Climate Adaptation and Sea Level Rise, Natural Environment, and Zero Waste, which are summarized in the S/CAP Potential Areas and Priorities(PDF, 194KB) document (More details can be found in Staff Report 10941(PDF, 277KB)).

  2. First draft of the S/CAP Potential Goals and Key Actions(PDF, 445KB)

    City Staff reviewed the goals and actions in the 2016 S/CAP Framework, the 2018-2020 Sustainability Implementation Plan, the 2018 Zero Waste Plan, the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, the Urban Sustainability Directors Network GHG Reduction High Impact Practices, and the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance Game Changers lists to draft S/CAP Potential Goals and Key Actions(PDF, 445KB) as a starting point for discussion.

  3. Second draft of the S/CAP Potential Goals and Key Actions, with Feedback Incorporated(PDF, 1MB)

    Staff reviewed all feedback received through April 30, 2020 and incorporated it into updated S/CAP Potential Goals and Key Actions(PDF, 1MB). These Goals and Key Actions, with feedback from the community incorporated, will be the foundation for the S/CAP update. After additional community feedback and further refinement, the updated Goals and Key Actions will go to our consultant, AECOM, for an impact analysis to estimate the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction potential of the proposed actions, estimated costs, and additional sustainability co-benefits (such as improved local air quality or reduced cost of living).

  4. Third draft of the S/CAP Goals and Key Actions(PDF, 704KB)

    Upon completion of the impact analysis, staff updated the S/CAP Goals and Key Actions(PDF, 704KB) to better reflect the outcomes needed to achieve the 80 x 30 goal. The updated S/CAP Goals and Key Actions(PDF, 704KB) includes a new Climate Action area, with 8 Key Actions and a goal to reduce GHG emissions 80% below 1990 levels by 2030. The Goals and Key Actions in Energy, Mobility, Electric Vehicles were reworked, but the outcomes are the same. Small changes were made to the Goals and Key Actions in Water, Climate Adaptation and Sea Level Rise, Natural Environment, and Zero Waste, with one signification change in the addition of Goals and Key Actions addressing wildfire protection.

  5. Fourth draft of the S/CAP Goals and Key Actions - Final Version
    Staff incorporated guidance from the S/CAP Ad Hoc Committee, S/CAP Working Groups, and S/CAP Working Group teams into the S/CAP Goals and Key Actions. Staff refined the goals to make them more consistent across areas, re-organized the Key Actions and grouped them into categories, and finalized the key performance indicators. City Council approved the final version of the goals and key actions in October 2022.

Three-Year Work Plan

  1. First draft Three-Year Work Plan
    (PDF, 211KB)
    The first draft of the Three-Year Work Plan(PDF, 211KB) details the actions reflected in the Policy Framework from the April 19, 2021 Council Meeting (see Attachment A here(PDF, 1MB)), and includes estimates of staff and funding needs for implementation and potential greenhouse gas reductions.

  2. Second draft of the Three-Year Work Plan(PDF, 741KB) - Final Version
    Staff incorporated guidance from the S/CAP Ad Hoc Committee, S/CAP Working Groups, and S/CAP Working Group teams into the 2023-2025 S/CAP Work Plan(PDF, 741KB). The 2023–2025 S/CAP Workplan expands on the S/CAP key actions to guide staff on implementation priorities over the next three years and breaks up the work into two sections. The Climate Action section of the workplan focuses on launching high impact emissions reduction programs, building community confidence in the S/CAP, and laying the foundation for post 2025 work. The Sustainability section focuses on reducing waste, creating a sustainable and holistically managed water system, adapting to climate change, and enhancing the City’s urban canopy. City Council accepted the final version of the Three-Year Work Plan in June 2023.

Co-Benefits and Technical Analysis

  1. S/CAP Draft Co-Benefits(PDF, 303KB)

    We solicited feedback from the community to help select co-benefits that can be used in the Key Action evaluation and prioritization process. View results from the survey here(PDF, 50KB).

  2. Technical Analysis 

    Staff has devoted extensive analytical and research efforts to estimating the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction potential of proposed strategies, estimated costs, and additional sustainability co-benefits (such as improved local air quality or reduced cost of living). With technical assistance from the City’s consultant, AECOM, Staff has taken on this extensive analysis because the standard tool that most cities use – the ICLEI ClearPath tool – does not allow for the inclusion of the unique characteristics of Palo Alto (land use patterns, Electric Vehicle adoption rates, etc.) and does not have GHG calculators for the detailed strategies proposed. The preliminary analysis is complete, and can be found in Attachment B of the April 19, 2021 Staff Report 12009(PDF, 1MB) (with additional Attachment D(PDF, 430KB)). Also available are the April 19, 2021 Council Meeting Presentation Slides(PDF, 2MB). A recorded webinar providing an overview of the analysis can be found at the Sustainability Plan YouTube Playlist.

  3. AECOM Impact Action Memo(PDF, 377KB) 

    The City and AECOM collaborated on modeling key action impact results within three categories of GHG reduction actions: Energy, Mobility, and Electric Vehicles. The AECOM Impact Action Memo(PDF, 377KB) presents details on the action impact analysis process, including descriptions of the emissions forecasts, key action analysis results, modeling approach, and detailed action results. It also includes the co-benefits analysis of both the GHG reduction actions and the sustainability actions. The memo concludes with recommendations for next steps and an appendix listing the titles and descriptions for the key actions modeled in this impact analysis. 

City Council Approval of 2022 S/CAP

On June 5, 2023 City Council adopted the updated Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (S/CAP), a major step in advancing the City’s sustainability and climate action goals. Council reviewed and approved:

1. Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (S/CAP) Report(PDF, 6MB)
The S/CAP serves as the roadmap to reduce emissions and achieve our sustainability goals. The S/CAP represents a collaboration between City of Palo Alto staff, the S/CAP Ad Hoc Committee, and the Palo Alto community.

2. Comprehensive Plan Environmental Impact Report Addendum: Update to the S/CAP(PDF, 943KB)Resolution 10112(PDF, 302KB)
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) certification of the S/CAP, in the form of an addendum to the Environmental Impact Report for the City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan, ensures that future development and planning activities within the City conform to the objectives of the S/CAP and statewide climate legislation.

3. 2023-2025 S/CAP Workplan(PDF, 741KB)
The 2023–2025 S/CAP Workplan expands on the S/CAP key actions to guide staff on implementation priorities over the next three years and breaks up the work into two sections. The Climate Action section of the workplan focuses on launching high impact emissions reduction programs, building community confidence in the S/CAP, and laying the foundation for post 2025 work. The Sustainability section focuses on reducing waste, creating a sustainable and holistically managed water system, adapting to climate change, and enhancing the City’s urban canopy.

4. 2023 Earth Day Report: Palo Alto's 2021 GHG Inventory(PDF, 439KB)
The 2023 Earth Day Report contains Palo Alto’s 2021 GHG Inventory. Understanding where emissions come from is the first step to taking meaningful emissions reduction action. In 2021, Palo Alto reduced emissions 53.9% below 1990 levels, despite a 19.5% population increase during that same time period.

To watch the June 5 City Council meeting, read the staff report, or download the presentation slides, visit this page and go to Agenda Item 14.


Next Steps

S/CAP Implementation is underway, with initiatives like the Heat Pump Water Heater Pilot Program and completion of the Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment. Staff will continue to implement the key actions in the S/CAP, following the priorities set forth in the 2023 - 2025 S/CAP Workplan(PDF, 741KB)

Community Engagement

Stakeholder and community engagement is an important part of this process. The City regularly hosts webinars, workshops, and other events focused on various sustainability and climate action topics. In January 2024, City Council formed the Climate Protection Ad Hoc Committee to accelerate the implementation of the three-year Climate Action workplan of the S/CAP. Climate Protection Ad Hoc Committee Working Group Meetings are open to the public. To view all sustainability and climate action events, workshops, and meetings, visit Sustainability Events

Read more about community engagement during the development of the S/CAP

For the most up-to-date information on S/CAP implementation progress, visit Sustainability News. For S/CAP Quarterly Progress Reports to City Council and the annual Earth Day Report summarizing the City's sustainability and climate action initiatives and progress since Earth Day of the previous year, visit Sustainability Actions and Accomplishments.

Get Involved

Now that the S/CAP has been adopted by Council, the City is actively taking steps to achieve the goals laid out in the S/CAP, including the recently launched Heat Pump Water Heater Program, which makes it easier than ever to switch to a clean electric water heater. We encourage our residents to do the same.

Take Action!

Engage with other residents and share your climate action story at the Sustainability Hub

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