

Road transportation represents the largest percentage of Palo Alto’s existing carbon footprint– and a congestion headache! Replacing a portion of vehicle trips with active transportation modes, such as walking, biking, and transit, is critical to reducing emissions in the transportation sector. Palo Alto has a strong biking community and multiple transit options, making it easy for residents to choose low- or zero-carbon transportation options.

In fact, Palo Alto has been at the forefront of reducing emissions from transportation since the early 1980's when Palo Alto developed the nation's first bicycle boulevard on Bryant Street. Combined with a lively and historic downtown, and great connections to Stanford University and regional transit, the city attracts commuters, students, and visitors alike to bicycle or walk at much higher rates than other South Bay Area communities. Palo Alto can build upon this history to solidify its status as one of the most bicycle-friendly communities in California, if not the country.

Mobility and the S/CAP

The Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (S/CAP) guides the City of Palo Alto's sustainability and emissions reduction strategy. Mobility is one of the three areas of the S/CAP with the largest potential for greenhouse gas emissions reductions, along with Energy and Electric Vehicles. Both mobility and Electric Vehicles tackle transportation emissions, the City's largest source of emissions. Mobility deals with reducing trips taken by car, measured in vehicle miles travelled (VMT), and increasing active transportation (walking, biking, and transit). VMT reduction can be influenced by local programs and policies, including roadway engineering, land use, and zoning, since these elements affect travel mode choice. The S/CAP outlines goals and strategies for reducing VMT and overall emissions from transportation.  


Take Action!

Explore these resources to help you walk, bike, and use transit in Palo Alto.